Thursday, November 25, 2010

It is Official: No Laughing - Spy 2010

OK, it's official. According to this website, the Gaki members trained to become spies for this year's New Year's special. The following is a rough translation of the Japanese article:

After filming was over, Matsumoto was quoted as saying; "We sort of worked as a team.....but I was the only one carrying the team towards the end."

Close to 100 celebrities helped to trick the Gaki members into laughing during the filming--Matsuko Deluxe and Tatsuo Umemiya included.

In addition to already impossible challenges, new rules went into effect for the cast members after midnight such as "Don't Get Scared" and "Don't Get Caught."

Unchanged from last year, viewers may continue to submit their real time messages via the Gaki mobile phone site. Viewers this year can also send messages via Twitter (@Gakitsukatter).

The show's producers finally settled on Ibaraki prefecture as the film site after two months of scouting. More than 100 extras were on location.

After filming, cast members had the following to say:
Hamada: "We finished it without losing anyone."
Yamasaki: "My butt went through hell."
Endo: "Learning to be a spy was difficult. We pulled through as a team."
Tanaka: "It was hard but we helped each other until the end."


  1. Omg! Amazing. Please sub this. I'll even take my top off for you and your wife.

  2. No Laughing Hotel Men really disappointed me, but this sounds like it will more than make up for it!

  3. I will send you ANYTHING you want that can be got from the UK if you sub this asap after it airs!

  4. (n____n) I'm so excited now!

  5. shibatabread - you are the best! I was personally wondering how long it would be till the next no laughing...and I'm SO DAMN GLAD THAT IT'S HERE.

    We certainly hope that you sub this...but please take your time and not get too carried away with doing so. We will still love you no matter how long it will take.

    Take care!

  6. "My butt went through hell." i'm laughing already!!! thanks shibata!! thank you very muchhh!

  7. I read something about a "Live-sub feed" on the Downtown Fanpage. Will you be participating shibatabread?

  8. Shibatabread, you will save us all and sub, right? We love you, you do know that don't you?

  9. Alright man! tell us will sub it right?! :D we'll be waiting!(no pressure, although WE WILL ALL BE WAITING. XDXD kidding. =p) thanks for the translation already. (:

  10. Yeah!Been waiting for this!Thanks bro, I can't wait!I hope the no laughing series continues for a couple of years or so.Cuz they're pretty old now to be doing these things, after 8 years they're butt will crack for getting whipped in the ass!hahahah!

  11. YES! Finally!! the Gaki No Tsukai is back! I really hope you'll sub them fast. This time round seems interesting. GAMABTE SHIBATA-SAN!

  12. Theme = cool.
    Little worried about rain gear, I think that is what made last years a bit lack-luster, with many of their pranks needing to be canceled due to weather......Here is to hoping for the better

  13. When will it be aired?

  14. I really hope you can sub this. If needed, I'm sure that most of your followers (including me) will pay you. Money, cakes, gas...whatever you need!

  15. OMG I reallly reallllyyy hope you will sub this! I've been waiting for the next batsu game by Gaki no Tsukai!!

  16. I think it will be aired around the chrismas eve which will be on 25th of December 2010.

  17. Yea. This New Year! Its an annual thing. Too bad they're all getting old. :(

  18. Ohhh so cool!~
    I bet seeing them as spies will be super funny.

  19. Yeah honestly i hope you sub this. I might need to make a donation or two for your work... Keep it up bro + thanks for the info.

    also what anon said before, want us from UK to send u some stuff?

  20. Can't wait to see it! I'm already thinking (and laughing) about the stuff they will show!

    I love the batsu series and was literally just thinking of it today wondering if they were doing another and what it was going to be! And I got goosebumps when i saw this as the page was loading! I just recently got my girlfriend into it and I know she'll be asking me everyday when it will be uploaded.

  22. i really love all th batsu game! love the hospital the most!!cant wait for this series!!! thank u shibatabread........

  23. Thanks for everything so far, Shibata

  24. Wow a spy batsu game, can't wait to see what this is going to bring!!

    You should really place a donate link somewhere here. I'm sure that lots of people would pay you some dough to see this kind of humor that no other country has.

  25. Completely agree to Jeroen. I would DEFINITELY donate to you and Mrs. Shibatabread. You guys work so hard to make us laugh, and we appreciate more than you know! Work on getting a donate link.

  26. Looks like it's gonna be a good one ;)

  27. absolutely CANNOT wait!

  28. Its that time again!

    Woo Hoo can't wait

  29. I hope you have time and subb this batsu game :)
    Thank you for all you have done.
    I appreciate it and I hope you know
    that everyone loves you!

  30. I'm glad they are continuing to make the end of year special, cant wait.

    BTW, where is your donate link already =)

  31. I am excited and can't wait after New Year Eve.
    I love both of u. :)

  32. omg I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
    this is the best way to end a year, laughing it off with GNT!

  33. See a report:

  34. Thank you Anonymous for the press release video.
    OK, so it will be a six-hour special.
    Subtract about one hour for the commercial...
    Five hours of footage...oh boy...

  35. SB, I know you've already decided on not translating this years batsu game, but if you do change your mind, feel free to set up a PayPal link so we can show our appreciation for your selfless work. Thanks for everything.

  36. Mr.Shibata,do you have the subtitle for 2004 - No Laughing in Yugawara?or could you help me edit from this?

    there are some part which is not sub.thank you in advance :)

  37. You have no idea how giddy I am. The best part of the holiday season is near! Matsumoto is genius!

  38. chan- I don't have that series. But you can check the fan site here.

  39. Yay!! can't wait!! thanks shibata!

  40. hey.. SB are u going to sub this year's batsu game? please... i do not much as kid but would you kindy sub this :D i am a fan of batsu game :D
    (treat this as a chirstmas gift to all of us)

  41. I <3 you soooo much for this Shibata Bread.
    Everyone of your blog readers supports you fully!
    We truly appreciate everything!!!

  42. YES! been waiting since the hotel series from last year for this! lookin forward to this one!


    shibata bread, you give me hope :D

  44. can't wait for the subtitle!! the video already have but subtitle not yet..hope will get a good news for u

  45. YAY :D Shibata bread Awesome work! (Especially considering we have no other way to watch batsu games (especially in subs) over here !)

  46. YAY :D Shibata bread Awesome work! (Especially considering we have no other way to watch batsu games (especially in subs) over here !)

  47. I <3 you soooo much for this Shibata Bread.
    Everyone of your blog readers supports you fully!
    We truly appreciate everything!!!

  48. Its that time again!

    Woo Hoo can't wait

  49. Looks like it's gonna be a good one ;)

  50. Thanks for everything so far, Shibata

  51. Yeah honestly i hope you sub this. I might need to make a donation or two for your work... Keep it up bro + thanks for the info.

    also what anon said before, want us from UK to send u some stuff?

  52. I really hope you can sub this. If needed, I'm sure that most of your followers (including me) will pay you. Money, cakes, gas...whatever you need!

  53. Yeah!Been waiting for this!Thanks bro, I can't wait!I hope the no laughing series continues for a couple of years or so.Cuz they're pretty old now to be doing these things, after 8 years they're butt will crack for getting whipped in the ass!hahahah!

  54. "My butt went through hell." i'm laughing already!!! thanks shibata!! thank you very muchhh!

  55. (n____n) I'm so excited now!

  56. No Laughing Hotel Men really disappointed me, but this sounds like it will more than make up for it!

  57. aww i want the subtitles now x'(

  58. Awesome indeed this game show is, proofs to be worthy when you need something to laugh at hard times :DDD

  59. no comment!!!!!!!!!!

  60. i really like tanaka-san, i'm looking forward to the next batsu game :)

  61. where can i download the video ??
