Friday, December 31, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese 19) Happy New Year + 108 Sins

Our last podcast of 2010 goes out with the bang as the ShibataBread family takes on many of the Japanese New Year's traditions and customs. And, of course, there is some sarcasms and yelling involved which usually makes Mrs. ShibataBread comfortingly uncomfortable.

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Japanese Lesson:
Happy New Year!!! (still yell-able?)

あけましておめでとうございます!! Akemashite Omedetô

おめでとうございます!!!!!!!!!!! Omedetô Gozaimasu


あけおめ?Ake ome

All About the New Year’s:

忘年会 vs 新年会 Bounenkai vs Shinnenkai
Differences? Who cares? Let's get smashed!

除夜の鐘 Bell ringing
At midnight on December 31, Buddhist temples all over Japan ring their bells a total of 108 times to symbolize the 108 human sins in Buddhist belief. I can't believe I only sinned 108 times this year. What a bargain!

お年玉 Otoshidama
Kids wish everyday were a new year's day while their parents curse for having so many relatives.
(From Wikipedia) In the Edo period large stores and wealthy families gave out a small bag of mochi and a Mandarin orange to spread happiness all around. The amount of money given depends on the age of the child but is usually the same if there is more than one child so that no one feels slighted.

年賀状 Nengajyou
Postcard for the New Year’s with lottery.

初日の出 Hatsu hinode - first sunshine.
初詣 Hatsu mōde is the first trip to a shrine or temple.
初こら!Hatsu Kora! is the first yelling of the year

福袋 Fukubukuro

Your favorite shop has put together a bag full of merchandise you would never have bought in the first place!

エンターテイメント Entertainment (TV shows)
More excuse to sit in front of the TV and do nothing but to eat and drink.

餅 Mochi
(From Wikipedia) kagami mochi (鏡餅), formed from two round cakes of mochi with a bitter orange (橙daidai) placed on top. The name daidai is supposed to be auspicious since it means "several generations."
Because of mochi's extremely sticky texture, there is usually a small number of choking deaths around New Year in Japan, particularly amongst the elderly. The death toll is reported in newspapers in the days after New Year

鏡開き Kagami Biraki
Hopefully the mochi isn't too moldy to consume. Or, you can cook the heck out of it in soup/broth for your friends and family.


  1. Akemashite Omedetô
    Btw what about ozoni?!?!?!?

  2. Thanks for the suggestion, Greg.
    Maybe we can talk about that next time.

  3. Please sub no laughing SPY as soon as u get it ;]

  4. they already subbed it, i think. Perhaps Mr Shibata is waiting until it is finish airing in japan.

  5. ofcourse they are going to sub it, but please don't rush them :]

  6. is mrs shibata also japanese? shes very supportive and she sounds like very lovely person :]

  7. Shibata-san is pretty good if he can sub something BEFORE it airs..

  8. Nice work Shibata

  9. Great work!

    So, this has nothing to do with this podcast at all, but it is related to the Kappa one.
    I don't know if you've ever seen Crayon ShinChan, but I was watching it the other day, and saw a Kappa segment I thought you guys might appreciate.

    I think it's about a minute in.

  10. Hey Shibata... When are you thinking you might publish the last video of the new batsu game? If I watch it all in one go, it annoys my mother less. Have you started yet?

    Thanks for your work. :)

  11. It will take months to finish subbing one batsu game...and this one is 5 hours long. please be patient... comments like yours might cancel the project.

  12. Yeah don't rush him, you can't fully enjoy the whole thing without all the background info shibata puts into each segment anyways.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hey!

    Greetings from Chile.

    I thought that in my country we have like some weird customs but that bell of the 108 sins has no comparison with wearing yellow undies or walk around a square with suitcases.

  15. Yo shibatabread :D thanks for the cast i really enjoy them and yeah you should do a videocast and a livecast too like, using JTV or something it would be fun XD
    btw im translating "no laughing hotel men" to portuguese right now thanks for let me use the subs c y a

  16. Isn't it mostly the "u" that gets dropped during pronunciation? At least that's my rule of thumb.

  17. Franco - what is this yellow undies you speak of?

    Aggrey - I need to look into this as I'm not exactly sure what the rules are. Is there rules?

    Ashiteratsu Aka - Livecast would be a challenge but sounds like fun.

  18. Hi Shibata, any news on how far you guys are with subbing the spy batsu...? I cant wait any longer! :P

  19. BTW Sorry bout the non related question of this blog

  20. GUYS LISTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!

    I heard from the gaki-no-tsukai fan forums that shibata and his team will sub 30-40 minute segments in each video which will be awesome so DO NOT RUSH THEM.

    It would suck if they stopped subbing because of stupid nagging comments so be patient they would sub it completely soon enough

  21. Keep your panties on, just wanted to know how far they are... douche...

  22. oh sorry about that. I re-read my post and I sound so elitist D:

    anyway you can see subbing updates in the gaki-no-tsukai fansite. It's somewhere on shibatas homepage

  23. shibata-san, is there any possible way that you can put up the matsumoto haunted hotel that i think you've subbed back then on veoh? that would be awesome!! anyways, just so you know, you're a REAL-LIVING AWESOMENESS man! really inspired to learn more on Japanese culture.

    greetings from Malaysia :)

  24. Anonymous- If the one I'm thinking of is the one your're mentioning, please check the fansite for that. As I didn't do much work on that episode (I edited a little on what's already been done by Alex,) I don't feel comfortable uploading that here. Thanks.

  25. he's done with his subtitles... with color and stuff. Maybe it could help you.

    The .srt:

  26. Thats Korean sub, but shibatabread could use the timing of the Korean sub to help make things faster :)

  27. I love you shibatabread. Take all the time you need to sub the new batsu game. I understand that it is very time consuming. You provide a wonderful service! Respect.

  28. Thanks shibata for bringing this joy to English-speakers. :)

  29. video cast, yay! :)

  30. Thanks shibata for bringing this joy to English-speakers. :)

  31. Thats Korean sub, but shibatabread could use the timing of the Korean sub to help make things faster :)

  32. Anonymous- If the one I'm thinking of is the one your're mentioning, please check the fansite for that. As I didn't do much work on that episode (I edited a little on what's already been done by Alex,) I don't feel comfortable uploading that here. Thanks.

  33. Please sub no laughing SPY as soon as u get it ;]

  34. Akemashite Omedetô
    Btw what about ozoni?!?!?!?
