Friday, August 1, 2014

(Subbed) Gaki No Tsukai - The Five Essential Elements of Comedy

In Japan, it is understood that there are five cooking ingredients which need to be added in order:

  1. 砂糖 - Sato - Suga
  2. 塩 - Shio - Salt
  3. 酢 - Su - Vinegar
  4. 醤油 - Shoyu - Soy Sauce
  5. 味噌 - Miso
The order in which these are added into, whatever (Japanese) meal you're cooking, is very crucial because later the ingredient is listed, more likely their property can change from the heat; As in, you never want to boil the Miso. A big no-no.

Anyhow, this is a yet another hilarious talk between Matsumoto and Hamada about "being older," and Matsumoto talking about the five essential elements in comedy.

You can dl the video here


  1. Thank you very much, your subs are greatly appreciated!

  2. You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. I live for these subs! Thanks!

  4. Can you provide us with the file ".ass" too ?
    And raw video.

    But not dropbox, bandwidth is not good.

    Thank you very much to you.

  5. Loved this episode. Thank you for your hard work!

  6. Thanks for all the work you do! This was a great episode.

  7. thanks for your spark shibatabread.
