Wednesday, April 18, 2012

(Subbed) Space Cop

Again, if this truly is an improvisation, Matsumoto is a genius.


  1. This is def. improvised; you can see Matsumoto taking a break to think up of stuff :)

  2. "Omae... aho ena."
    I think if Matsumoto had put just a little more thought into it, the story could have been way funnier, but Hamada kept blocking him, rather than encouraging him. 

  3. That was easily one of the funniest ones I've ever seen! 
    I'd say improvised for sure, he's laughing way too much. Gotta give Hamada props too though, he knows exactly what to point out to give Mastumoto a chance to add more to it. They are an amazing team

  4. I would love to have this on my HD before youtube takes it down.

  5. haha so good. BANG BANG BANG

  6. I think Matsumoto forgot that Natasha was supposed to be from France.

    I also think Hamada hasn't really watched any westerns or is just way too anal about the way pistol's are supposed to be used. 

  7. Down, please reupload
