Monday, January 16, 2012

(Subbed) Celebrities Who Cannot Draw

Special Blog Entry by Mrs. ShibataBread
I spent some time working with kids in the Japanese public school system.  One thing that really struck me was how well a lot of them could draw.  I hate to stereotype an entire race like that, so let's just say this is a very subjective opinion of my own that has absolutely no scientific backing.  Of course, I also saw kids drawing stuff that was average or just plain bad.  But more often than not, there were kids drawing at a skill level higher than I would have expected for their age.  For example, a classroom of second graders wrote notes to me with pictures of people and animals that I just thought had more detail and accuracy than your typical second grader in the States.

So when I first watched this Japanese variety show with celebrities who can't draw, I wasn't surprised.  The way I see it, your average Japanese person can draw a pretty good gorilla or lion.  Maybe it's not that fancy, but it looks like what it's supposed to be.  The celebs showcased on this show don't have that skill, so the Japanese viewer can sit back and think, "Wow, I draw better than that guy!" and get a real big kick out of it.  Disagree with me if you will, but this show wouldn't be as funny here in the States because many of us would think, "I would totally draw the tiger the exact same horrible way!"

If it's true that Japanese, when compared to other cultures, can draw better, then you may be tempted to ask, "Why is that the case?".  Here's my theory: kids in the Japanese public school system get a lot more art time than what most public schools allow in the States.  So the answer would be as simple as that--you can draw better if you got more art time in school.

Now sit back and enjoy the show!  And, for those of you who have spent time in Japan, let me know if you've noticed the same thing....

Please find the video here


  1. I enjoyed this so thoroughly and so very much that all I can say is thank you thank you.  I really like Ameagari and I was happy to finally see an episode of one of their shows and this one was so awesomely funny.  That Koba guy had THE BEST commentary.  He had me cracking up the entire time.  And Jinnai :)  He's always such a cutie.  Thank you again!

  2. thanks for sharing this...HILARIOUS! was wondering if there was a download version of this? i've been having internet problems and had to start over at least 3 times (can't go where i left off, it just starts over again). 

  3. Thanks for the post, i wouldn't know what to do if you didn't translate these for us.

  4. This was hilarious!!! Thanks so much for posting this.  I was bursting out laughing

  5. Even for us Americans...gosh...are those bad hahahahaha.

    Thanks so much for your hard work as always. Didn't get to wish
    you a happy new year last time, so here it is:

    Akeome~! ^O^

  6. Yes! I've noticed this too. I remember in 1st grade there was a kid from Japan and he drew rings around everyone else.
    Thanks for ame talk!!!

  7. i personally think it is from writing kanji. they are strict on geting the strokes just right so it translates into good line control. having a culture so impressed by anime and manga doesnt hurt either. thank you so much for all the videos you do. my life is enriched by your hard work. 

  8. Thank you all for the cool comments! We, at the ShibataBread camp, very much appreciate it!! 

  9. I laughed so hard I woke up my upstairs neighbour.. at 1am.  Oops!  Thank you so much for providing this!

  10. This was very funny!!! But I still think hamada is still the worst artist :)

  11. I havent laughed this much for a while : ) i guess in order to draw well you have to have very good photographic memory : ) thank you guys!

  12. Loved it, keep up the good work! :)

    I think it is the same at Gaki but here it really stood out for me:
    why are there only females in the audience? Is this a normal thing in japanese TV shows?

  13. finally shibata and mrs shibata back =D

  14. I HAVE noticed the same thing, though I've wondered if it has something to do with comics being a larger part of childhood entertainment over here than, say, back in the States.

  15. I could actually see an American version of this working if they rounded up some of the comedians from "Whose Line Is It Anyway" up.

  16. Dude all japanese people can draw well. My girlfriends all could and her friends as well. Especially water scenes, which there are plenty of in okinawa

  17. Awesome episode, interesting and funny as hell. Thanks Shiba.

  18. Richard SiliphayvanhFebruary 1, 2012 at 7:36 AM

    Hello Shibata and everyone else, sorry to bother you guys but does anyone know where I can find the latest No Laughing Series with english subtitles please? Yours were just so on point Shibata. I miss them.

    Thank you in advance

  19. Thank you so much for this post, It is so funny! 
    I think the ppl in the show make a good point by connection the way you draw to the comics you read. Here in Holland ppl don't really read comics, only little kids. And the way comics are drawn here is different. Also I think everything in Japan is more graphical, so ppl are used to seeing things a certain way. Well, that's my two cents! I really appreciate your subbing, really grateful!

  20. GettingboredofshibataFebruary 8, 2012 at 5:54 PM

    how bout posting something on here for your fans every once in awhile

  21. thanks alot for the posts and i'm so glad you've translated and subbed so many gnt shows for that i am eternally grateful XD
    i've seen alot of gaki no tsukai material on the Veoh and watching them in complete japanese which is still fun to watch but wondering if you were able to sub thm too?

  22. I believe drawing talent may be tied to the written language. I am currently an English teacher in Korea and my students who have the best handwriting with Hangul are also my best artists :)

    Anyways, always a fan of Gaki no Tsukai and I very much so appreciate the subs :)

  23. are you gonna do gaki no tsukai airport yet? =3

  24. I think it is funny that Nakagawa Reiji who is great at imitating voices/sounds totally sucks at drawing.

  25. It's not just the fact that they draw badly that makes this funny. The comments and stances they make turn this into comedy gold.

    I hope you'll sub more of these. They're fantastic.

  26. Why did this get removed??? It was so hilarious! DDDDDDDDD:

  27. Humbly requesting a re-upload! Never got a chance to watch this when it was first uploaded and it's killing me.

  28. A re-upload is appreciated. Thanks.

  29. Thank you so much for reuploading this!

  30. Thanks so, so much for reuploading this. I've been checking this page periodically for over a year now, just on the off-chance it would ever come back up, as this vid is one of my absolute favourites. So happy to see it back :)

    Thank you!

  31. Thank you for reuploading!! I've been so sad about it disappearing for so long!
