Tuesday, June 28, 2011

(Subbed) Lincoln - Test Your Luck on Spa Tour

温泉(Onsen) - Spa or hot springs is an integral part of Japanese culture. Each hot springs boast of their unique mineral compositions and are known to have certain healing powers. Read more about the Onsen here via Wikipedia.

熱海市(City of Atami) is located in southern 静岡県(Shizuoka prefecture) and is widely known as the beach town/hot spring. Its close proximity(relatively speaking) from Tokyo attracts abundance of weekend goers and packs the beach. And when I say packed with people, it's so packed I would go, "I can't even see any sand!?"

And I have wrote a little about Jyanken (rock, paper, scissors) back when I was working on the Hotel Series.

(Subbed) Lincoln's Test Your Luck - Onsen Tour 01 by ShibataBread

(Subbed) Lincoln's Test Your Luck - Onsen Tour 02 by ShibataBread


  1. hahahaha, matsumoto and hamada holding hands at the end in the water had me DYING.

  2. loved this!
    Thanks for subbing! :)

  3. Can´t you put a link for download? 

  4. I was curious if any of the Gaki no Tsukai members were affected by the devastion of the tsunami in Japan??

  5. Hooray for Lincoln subs. Thanks!

  6. none, the current episode of gaki no tsukai is 1060 which can be found at the site

  7. thanks for the subs shibata

  8. Thanks a lot for the subs man, i'm on a slow computer so i'll wait for the download link.
    Have you considered placing adfly links on them?

    Thanks again

  9. i second the download link request, please shibata san :D

  10. Wow a Lincoln video with subtitles!

    Umm Shibata not to put any pressure or anything, but there's this really special video I really wanted to watch with subtitles, don't know if you've heard of it yet but its episode 32 of Lincoln, where it was very intimate and emotional episode. Hell I even cried at the end without knowing what was going on when Hamada's "Chicken Rice" was playing.

    A really one of kind "Downtown" related episode, so do you think you could look into it?

    Here's a link:


  11. Anyone having problems playing the second half?

    I get an "Error - Stream not found", "Technical difficulties have prevented this video from loading."

  12. I laughed so hard when the egg got smashed on the forehead. Thanks for subbing this, will be looking forward other subs :D

  13. Absolutely hilarious! Will we get the chance to see more of these kind of games in the future, Shibata ? We'd be very grateful :)

  14. BrO thx so much for subs I wish variety shows were subbed more as well but subbing Lincoln is such a rare moment right now much props

  15. SO. ENTERTAINING. thank you, shibatabread! :D

  16. The videos got removed. Could you re-upload them by any chance? Love this episode.

  17. Is it possible for the videos to be re-uploaded please, or to get hold of them some other way? They were taken down. Thank you
