Thursday, April 7, 2011

We All Need a Change Sometimes

This post isn't to tell you I'm falling off the face of the earth or anything. It's actually to make the following announcement:

I have decided that I won't be translating Gaki No Tsukai videos anymore.

It has been a fun two years, but just like anything in life, you get bored with stuff after a while. And frankly, I want blogging to feel like a fun hobby--not another job. My blog's title "My translations are almost always perfct" will remain the same. So I'm still up for translating Japanese media from time to time, but it just won't be related to Gaki No Tsukai. Who knows? I might take on a documentary or two. Or even an old, cheesy Japanese classic drama series. The possibilities are endless, and I'm excited about the change.

I hope my translations did Gaki No Tsukai the justice it deserves. And I hope, as a result of my work, the show now has more international fans.

I am very grateful and humbled to have accumulated so many followers in the past two years, and I'm sorry if you're not happy with my decision. But we all have to move on to new challenges sometimes. As the cliché goes, "I'm going out at the top of my *Batsu* game." Well, you know what I mean.

Thank you all for your support.

Best wishes,



  1. Ouch! You were always the reliable one. However, I sadly understand your decision. Thank you for the two years you've subbed GNT and also to your wife and other cohorts! Look forward to your new material. Good luck and namaste!

  2. Shibata Out! lol Keep doing great jobs!!

  3. Shibata Out! lol Keep doing great jobs!!

  4. That's a shame, but understandable. When you deliver such quality work people can just come to expect too much. Good luck with your future stuff; I'll be sure to look out for it.

  5. thank you for your subs shibatabread!

  6. Really really sad about this, but I can understand how you feel, and greatly thank you for getting the ones done that you already have. It's been great!

  7. really sad to hear this, but you served us faithfully for years now. thanks for everything you and your wife have done! you are truly internet heroes!

    i hope the podcast doesn't stop, though. is that still going to be made?

  8. I'm so sad to hear that, but nonetheless, thank you for all the great GNT subs you've given us. On the positive side, I can look forward to new and interesting content from you. Is there any chance you would do subs for Japanese game shows? There aren't many fansubs available for those, and I've always liked them.

  9. Yes, we're still doing the podcast! Thanks for asking!

  10. thank you for everything you have done shibatabread

  11. I'm grateful and I hope you change your mind for the next No Laughing series, if another is filmed.

  12. Thanks for all you've done, ShibataBread. It's sad to hear you won't be subbing any more GNT stuff, but I totally understand what you mean about it turning into another job. If you're not getting paid to do it, there's no point in continuing if you're not having any fun and/or it's getting too stressful.

  13. Ah kinda sad news indeed, at first i thought of an April Fool but remembered we were already the 8th so... uh yeah.
    But anyways i'm really grateful for everything you've done til now for everything related to Gaki no Tsukai, you've really done a lot and i enjoyed it all so much so thanks for giving us so much fun during these 2 wonderful years.

    As for myself i'll still follow you for your podcasts that i already loved hearing/seeing since the very first one and for other stuff you and your lovely wife do. Always funny things to hear and learn. Also looking forward to any possible video you'd probably give us in the future in case you do.

    It seems it's finally time for you to have a "Shibata OUT !" moment i guess :p
    Take care Shibata. o/

  14. Thank you for 2 wonderful years of subbing and laughter!!

    Will you still be making podcasts?

  15. A sad day for Gaki No Tsukai and its fans, but of course I can understand how you feel about it. It is due Gaki No Tsukai that I found your blog and your lovely podcasts and I will gladly continue following you. I wish you and your wife the best of luck with whatever you decide to do :)

    Thank you for all the excellent translations you have done over the past years and allowing us to enjoy a part of Japan as outsiders!

  16. your not getting rid of us that easily man you have a following now. it is true that not all of us have the same attention span but most of us will stick around.
    by the way thanks for every thing and you mustn't feel pressure to deliver like an assembly line we totally know what its like ... well kinda

  17. I understand your decision on wanting to stop subbing since you say it has become more like a chore. But what I'm not clear on is, since you mentioned that you might sub other things, what makes "gaki no tsukai" different? Because if your going to take time to sub something else won't that be a chore too? If you were stopping subbing all together I would understand. But not subbing JUST gaki no tsukai confuses me. Is it because for gaki no tsukai subs people demand it often so you feel pressured? Because you could take your time. I dont see how gaki subs are more difficult then other stuff. unless you are bored with it. anyway. just curious. thanks for all the subs.

  18. Aww it isn't April 1st :(. Haha don't worry, I'll still be following your updates. Whatever you choose to sub, or even if you choose to quit subbing anything altogether(D:), I respect your decision. Hopefully, with your sense of humor, you'll choose to sub something else that's equally as awesome ^^. To those of you who are majorly disappointed, maybe you should start learning Japanese too so there'd be more subbers in the international fan community, and we can share some of the burden :). Just a suggestion. I know that's what I wanna do x)

  19. Sup Shibs! you know i've always been a constant fan and have always been grateful for all that you've done and i completely respect ur decision. and once again, THANKS! but i must say i agree with "Rick's" comment. You say you dont want blogging/subbing to feel like a job, therefore no more GnT specifically, but you'll blog/sub other media? you must understand how that slightly contradicts itself or is a little confusing. of course, you don't have to answer to no one. but i too am simply curious as to what you exactly mean. thats all. but regardless of a response, i give you and yours my sincerest gratitude for all that you've done and will continue listen to ur podcast. Thanks!!!!


  20. Sup Shibs! you know i've always been a constant fan and have always been grateful for all that you've done and i completely respect ur decision. and once again, THANKS! but i must say i agree with "Rick's" comment. You say you dont want blogging/subbing to feel like a job, therefore no more GnT specifically, but you'll blog/sub other media? you must understand how that slightly contradicts itself or is a little confusing. of course, you don't have to answer to no one. but i too am simply curious as to what you exactly mean. thats all. but regardless of a response, i give you and yours my sincerest gratitude for all that you've done and will continue listen to ur podcast. Thanks!!!!


  21. Ouch. ;___;
    But still, I can understand your decision, and I´ll continue supporting and following you!
    Thank you so much for all the fun you brought to the world with subbing Gaki no Tsukai ~ you´re my hero. =)

    But... as you mentioned on last video of the spy series ~ will you sub the next new year batsu game? ;D
    Sorry, I just had to come up with that. XD"
    Didn´t mean to bother you!

  22. Well, it's a sad day fot GnT fans, indeed. However Shibatabread's work has inspired many other tranlators to continue GnT subs. I thank you for all this time subbing. We <3 u

  23. It feels like a job when you start working on a material and you're not having much fun doing it anymore; a routine. It just got to the point where I wasn't challenged and entertained anymore translating any of Gaki No Tsukai episodes. Thus, I'm moving onto different venues that could keep me interested. By no means, I'm not saying Gaki No Tuskai is not interesting or boring. I'm saying it's gotten a little stale to work on their episodes.

  24. Yes, my wife and I enjoy recording and editing podcasts, so we're moving forward with that. Thanks.

  25. Thanks for all the work you've done and laughs you've given me. I look forward to whatever you wish to take on next.


  26. ah ok. well thats kewl man. again, your work was and is still super appreciated.

    Shiba-yan...Do you know who was always willing to help me when i was struggling with life? it was none other than you, Shiba-yan. You were someone i looked up to even before i became an officer and even after i completely my training. I always held you way above anyone's pedestal, Shiba-yan... Then one day you said, "take your time, there's no need to hurry, i see you're very talented". I couldn't hold my tears back, and you, Shiba-yan, couldn't hold your tears back either. The kind words you said to me that day made it easier to accept whatever fate had in store for me. Because of Shiba-yan, i existed...

  27. Thanks for everything.

  28. Hey SB,
    Your subs are the reason I decided to pursue subbing GNT material and for that I'm truly thankful. As I'm sure everyone is a little shocked and disappointed by your announcement, I can say that I totally understand your desires to move on, and I support your decision 100%. For those of you that are interested, subbing GNT is really a labor of love. Once you lose that love, it turns into a 'job' that doesn't pay, but takes away all of your free time. In that situation, wouldn't you want to pursue other things or translate what is fun and interesting to "you" instead? I'm sure whatever SB decides to pursue, it will be something that he enjoys doing, which is all that really matters anyway. Just my 2 cents. Good luck in your future endeavors SB!

    - Zurui

  29. It is ofc a bit sad for the gaki fans as you have been superb for 2 years. But ofc i can understand your decision. Nobody wanna do stuff that they dont enjoy and/or feel some kind of a challenge for anymore. Im really happy to see that you and your wife will continue the padcast and to be honest, i cant wait to see what you will deside to sub next. As i am in general really interested in anything japan, i would love to see and understand some other kinds of shows/movies/documentaries. So i'll be watching you all the time^^

    Thanks for the good run Mr Shibata(and friends) My enjoyment of GNT and your subs finally gave me a kick in the ass to go out and try to learning japanese. Evening school and audiobooks.

    So thank you for all you have do for me and the community in general :)


  30. oh well, that sucks. time to make room for another website in my favorites.

  31. You are dead to me, Shibata.
    Long live Zurui-sama!

  32. Thanks, zurui
    Keep up the good work.

  33. Good to hear that I was somewhat an instrumental in your pursuit to study Japanese language.

  34. LOL. Good one.
    I know you're one of the very first followers and I thank you for sticking around all this time.

  35. You're welcome.

  36. You're welcome.

  37. Thanks and I'm sure GNT will continue on as more and more people contribute in translating and subbing.

  38. We shall see what happens with next year's. But for now, I'm OUT :)

  39. Thanks, and I'm actually looking forward to the process of finding material to work on.

  40. Thanks and hope to have your attention back in here soon.

  41. You're welcome. Thanks for sticking around.

  42. Thanks, Jeroen.
    Yes, my wife and I will continue with podcasts.

  43. Thanks, 00Shin00 for sticking around and being a fan of the podcasts.

  44. Thanks for understanding. And I hope everyone gets to find something they like to do regardless of whether you can make a living out of it.

  45. We shall see. But I feel like it's time to pass on the torch.

  46. You're welcome, Colin.

  47. You're welcome and I'm open to anything that interest me at this point.

  48. Thanks, Hahaorlyy.
    Yes, the Mr. and Mrs. SB are still on for podcasts.

  49. You're welcome, RebeccaBlack.
    Fun, fun, fun, fun....

  50. You're welcome, Jay.

  51. Thanks, Osidius.
    More quality translations on their way.

  52. You're welcome, and I've never heard anybody say "namaste" to me, and it's a good thing I don't have to say it aloud because I don't know how to say it.

  53. Thank You for your hardwork Mr.Shibata! it's sad when i read this post but i wish the best for you and Mrs. Shibata. Gambatte kudasai~.

  54. Thanks for your hard work! I do hope you continue translating :)
    Just chiming in about your readership- I am following you as someone who just wants to learn Japanese, and pick up natural-speak. So I personally am not bothered by your decision to change your subject matter. Hope you have fun with your next projects!

  55. As sad as I am that one of the best Gaki subbing teams is taking an indefinite break, I support your decision and you're still one of the best subbers ever :)

  56. its been great shibata! thanks for all your hard work.

  57. Well, shit. 2011 is now officially the worst year of my life- and I'm 26!

  58. RIP mr.Bread! =P
    I hope someone keeps the same quality that your group subbed..too many bad news this year =[
    i'm sure that next year i will miss the enjoy of knowing that another 30min subbed video were released in this blog!! thanks for everything!

  59. Thanks. Ganbarimasu!

  60. Stick around, you might enjoy what I have to offer in a future.

  61. Thank you. I'm pleased to know that there's a group of people who's followed me just out of wanting to learn the language.

  62. Thank you. You're too kind.

  63. You're welcome.

  64. You're still too young to have the worst year of your life :)

  65. I'm sure there'll be plenty of people willing to take on the New Year's Batsu series in years to come.

  66. All the subbing you did was great, although at the same time one of my favorite parts of your blog is learning about Japan’s culture and values. I hope that in this you continue to update your blog with information about the country and people. A dedicated post to popular areas / travel must see locations would also be fun. :)

  67. A bit disappointed, but i respect it. We live for once in this world, so use your time wisely. I understand your feeling, about bored .We will feel bored sometimes with what we do ,but in one day, dont know how long, that feeling will disappear. Well thats for me, i dont know if you will feel that too

    The choice is yours

    Thanks for the spy sub and all the batsu game sub :D

  68. thank you, if anything, your labour of love has achieved it's maker's were the bridge between the non-japanese understanding community and GnT, and even if it were for a while, I really appreciate the hours of joy I received from the translations. some, is better than none ;) thanks man, and to the team, blessed well wishes.

  69. Thank you for all your effort so long. People understand how you feel, hope one day people look pay you a lot to translate.

  70. thelongfallofproseApril 9, 2011 at 7:01 AM

    I hope you would sub independent films, too. ^^

  71. Reminds me of the fact that the famous mangaka Inoue Takehiko postponed Vagabond for a whole year, due to the fact that the work he once loved, just turned out to be just work. Business as usual. You get in a situation where you do things, because there's a heavy pressure on you,and people ought to think you have to do. If you've reached this state, a person should quit. After a while you'll just burn away. Like a candle in the darkness.

    However i am very grateful for the work. Picked up some Kanjis/Words from the Japanese language, and kept me motivated. And there is still a long way, i think for both of us. Enjoy and don't regret your decisions as long as possible. And do whatever the hell you like to do.

  72. Are you booing, or am I taking it out of context? Or, did you just fart?

  73. Vegabond is a great manga series. But I didn't know that mangaka postponed the publication.
    That gives me an idea of perhaps trying the "scanlation"?

  74. What kind of independent films are you into?

  75. Being paid for your hobby sounds nice but it's actually a double edged sword because often times you'd sacrificing some(or lot of) freedom.

  76. Thanks, and you're very welcome.

  77. I agree 100% with you. It's hard to know where my head will be down the road. I might un-retire and come back to Gaki in a future. But for now, this feels right.

  78. Thank you. I will continue with translations and to also provide some information about the video clip to help people understand better. You can also check my other site where you can read about tidbits about Japan written by not just us but by readers.

  79. Yes, he postponed it, as well as Kentaro Miura(I love ベルセルク but Miura-Chan just plays too much Eroge's =( ).... Inoue-Sensai couldn't hit one deadline, and he was asking himself why is he doing this.Maybe you are "just like him". You start a project out of ambitions but in a blink of time the whole case turns against you. He told in an interview that he needed one Year to get back to the manga, maybe it's just like your case, who knows :-).

    ps.: I'm wondering that you read mangas generally cO!

  80. thelongfallofproseApril 9, 2011 at 9:25 AM

    I have lots in mind, so I'll get back to you on that. :)

  81. Thanks for all the work.
    I will continue looking at your blog now and then to see if you've done some new stuff. =)

  82. Thanks for your good work!!!!!111!1!1

    No critique to your decision,after all we can be happy there was a person who translated this good stuff for us!!!

    looking forward to your new projects.just the mention of a docu gets me pretty excited cause i always loved the side facts you brought and so the one you would choose would be really really great.

    I hope you will have as much fun in the future as i (or we for those who share this opinion with me) had watching and reading your stuff :D!

  83. I will be always a fan of your subs, thanks for let us have this great japanese comedy! from Europe

  84. You do realize it will never be the same without your effort, right?
    But this is your wish, one well deserved. I hope the others are willing to pick up the slack without you. My love for Gaki No Tsukai is thanks to your collective work w/subtitles. Otherwise, I'd be ignorant about Japanese game shows and would have never known about Downtown or Matsumoto as a comedy genius.

    So what's next? Hopefully you won't have to slave over sappy love stories and such. Some of those old school 80's cop shows would be interesting...

  85. Thanks. There's so much stuff out there, and my mind is already full of ideas but not enough time to organize and process them.

  86. Thank you for sticking around. And yes, I hope it'll be another learning process.

  87. Thank you for being a fan all the way from Europe!

  88. Thank you for your compliment. Now, don't be mad if I start working on those "Chick dramas" with Kimutaku in it :)

  89. Dear Shibatabread,

    Thank you for all you've done over the past two years for the Gaki no Tsukai community. Your translations are always well worth the wait. Thank you once again for all your hard work, and I wish for the best for you in the future.

  90. You have done your best, and like everyone else has said, I too, appreciate all the work you have done for our entertainment. While it is a shame to see you come to a halt, it is expected to happen sooner or later. I wish you and the Mrs. good care on the future things you both do. The Batsu games too have been getting really long each year, so translating a few hours of content can't be that fun. Either way, I am sure someone will come along and be your successor. I suppose Youtube doesn't have to worry about you next year though. :P

  91. Shibatabread thank you very much for everything that you've provided us, we're very greatful for everything you've done especially adding Mrs. Shibata to the team, it was fun while it lasted..*Bookmark.. De- Delete ಥ_ಥ

    Kiddin' ...but please tell me podcast will continue..
    I still have more questions and still so much more to learn from you.

  92. Who is going to take the reins then on Gaki No Tsukai? Do you have anyone in particular? I'd like to see more future Gaki No Tsukai shows subtitled like you had always done. Good luck to your future though, and thanks for your spport on the past Gaki No Tsukai shows. ;)

  93. You did a good job there, both of you.
    And I'm thankful for that.

    Thanks, Shibata and Ms. Shibata.
    If you need anything, ever, don't hesitate to ask.

  94. i haven't really ever posted a comment on any of your videos but i still followed your gaki vids since the hospital one (and re-watched them many,many times). so thank you to have let me have a taste of this awesome serie (since i don't understand japanese at all lol) and i'll surely stick around, just in case you might change your mind :P love your work.

    frank, canada

  95. Thanks for all of your hard work. You were the most consistent force in Gaki translating and you will be missed. Thankfully some other people have stepped forward, though.

  96. I love your translations and can't wait to see what else you post or release. I came first because of GNT but then got to reading your posts and listening to your podcasts and I'm definitely sticking around for the long-haul because you are great :)

  97. Yea i truly appreciate the time you gave into all of this thank you very much.

    Just hoping one day a T.V. Channel can broadcast Gaki No Tsukai in subs, that will put me to rest. :]

    Thank you again

  98. I'm sad, but I'm thankful for all of the hard work that you've put into this. Your subs introduced me to gaki no tsukai, so I'm happy just for that.

    I wish you the best of luck with whatever you do next.

  99. Oh my god.... kinda feel sad about this news.... but anyhow TQ for the past GNT Subbed movies!!!

  100. Thanks a lot for your hard work Shibata :-) I'm sure most of the people will understand and respect your decision. It's your free time and you can do whatever you want with it. I'll keep on checking your site from time to time for updates! Even though there won't be any new Gaki no Tsukai videos from you, I'm sure that whatever you're going to sub/create from now on will be fine and enjoyable, too!

    Greetings from Germany


  101. Hey SB! I remember way back in the day hearing about this new fangled Police Batsu and stumbling on here to find some great subs! It seems so far away but I've become a big fan! The creation of a central Gaki forum and the contribution of subbers like you have created not just an international love of this show, but also interest in other subbed works. Please post any work you do decide to sub in the Gaki forums.

    I'm sure I'll stick around and watch whatever you decide to sub. Thanks for the years of service.

  102. BlackhawksareAwesomeApril 11, 2011 at 6:10 AM

    I think he's saying boooooo-urns. (Simpsons joke)

  103. Thank you. Thank you.

  104. Thank you. Every year, I wonder if there is another "No laughing" series. And every year, they manage to recruit enough sponsorship to do that. So, I'll be surprised if they don't keep doing the series.

  105. Thanks. Unfortunately, I'm not a very good E - J translator. It's something I need to work on. I hope you can find someone capable.

  106. Thanks, Demandred.
    Please go ahead and send in any questions. Mrs. and I are continuing with podcast (even thought we haven't done much recently, we'll be back on track soon.)

  107. You're welcome. I'm sure people like zurui and others from gaki forum will continue on with subbing. And they're more than capable.

  108. Thanks, H.
    I'm sure I'll be asking you to illustrate stuff in a near future :)

  109. Thanks, so you're also one of the old-timers :)
    Yea, stick around, you just might like my future projects.

  110. You're welcome. And thank you for the support.

  111. Thank you. My mind is already full of possible translation candidates.

  112. That would be a trip to see GNT actually broadcasted outside of Japan. Never say never though.

  113. Thanks. Nice to know that my translations made many GNT fans.

  114. You're welcome.

  115. Thanks all the way from Deutschland!
    Although, the material won't be gaki related, or not even comedy, you might find the future project interesting.

  116. Thanks for sticking around. And if the material is appropriate, I'll post it up on the gaki forum as well.

  117. Well, first off, Thank you Shibatabread! Really, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    I think that we all appreciate your hard work over the years and support/accept your decision to stop translating Gaki no Tsukai, I know that I do.

  118. its been 2 years already? the trolling i did when you first started felt like only yesterday. Your work was good and you will be missed son.

  119. gracias por todo, mi vida ha sido mejor gracias que descubri gaki no tsukai y downtown, eres grande shibata san, que te vaya bien en el futuro

    saludos desde chile

  120. Will they be putting it up on this website as well? I've been watching the episodes from inside this website after so many of your pulled-out accounts from YouTube.

  121. Thanks SB and Mrs. SB for all your hard work translating, and also providing commentary (thanks to you I learned about baumkuchen, lol). I remember being so excited that someone was going to finish the police series - still my favorite 24 hr batsu game. I hope you find something else to get interested in!

  122. Aww that is quite sad!! However, like mostly everyone else, I completely understand. For the last few years, your subs of GnT's batsu games have been absolutely excellent! Thanks to you and your team for all the fun!! Now that you'll have all this free time, good luck with whatever you put those energies towards! (and looking forward to more podcasts!)

  123. If this was youtube, this would be the time I would unsubscribe.
    Watching gaki no tsukai was the reason I visited your website.

    It was nice while it lasted.

  124. i kinda feel sad aabout this but for some reason......... ITS APRILS FOOL!!!!!!!!!!

  125. Happy aprils fool shibatabread...u can fool everyone BUT NOT ME!!!! :)

  126. Thanks. It was an enjoyable experience (most of the times:))

  127. Thanks, I will now work on trolling the others.

  128. You're welcome, senior.

  129. You're welcome. Working on the "police" series seems like an eons ago...

  130. Thanks. I mainly do push-ups on my free times.

  131. Good riddance, sir.

  132. Unfortunately, this wasn't posted on April 1st. Thus, this isn't a joke. Good try though.

  133. Hello!

    I am a big fan of your work and very sad, that you want to quit your work at "Gaki no Tsukai". Maybe someday in the future you translate that again :)

    May i ask, if there will be others which will translate the next batsu games? That would be great, because i am addicted for the yearly Batsu Game and i appreciate it very much! :)

    Greetings from Germany


  134. Im really grateful for these 2 years with all gaki videos but before you leave that aside can you please sub the continue the The Truth of Hitoshi Matsumoto. Thanks.

  135. Thanks for all your hard work, inspiring stuff. Enjoy your next ventures and have a good life!

  136. Would you be able to post other GNT translations, done by other people?

    Also, what happened to No Laughing High School?

  137. Thanks. Never say never, right? I just might come back to this later in a future.

  138. I'm not planning on finishing that piece. I'm sorry. I have actually watched the whole documentary piece, and quite frankly, the rest of the clip was not as interesting.

  139. I'm not comfortable posting other's work here. And yes, what happened to No Laughing High School? Anyone?

  140. As a fan of all things japanese, the subbing of downtown and the yearly show has been a special treat for me to see here and i thank you for bringing laughter into my own and my brothers life:)
    i wish you good luck on this new adventure of yours and will still check daily for what ever new things you decide to sub^^
    well that and the podcasts that i injoy to

    best wishes from denmark

  141. Theres a Newspaper batsu series floating around aswell but as soon as its uploaded it gets quickly taken down by youtube because of the incredibly anal copyright laws...

    That, and the fact that the other translators always seem to have a habit of leaving some parts of the videos unsubbed and untranslated or not even posting them at all..

    I think I speak on behalf of all the SB fans when I say that you are by far the most reliable Gaki No Tsukai translator on the face of the earth and it would be a shame to see you retire.

  142. You were the best ShibataBread- I just truely wish I was multilingual. You gave us quite a ride

  143. wait what? but this was why we folowed you -.-

    what happened to ms shibata signing you up to translate next years game? why tease us with the end video only to say not to do it

  144. Thanks. It's always nice to know that I was able to bring some enjoyment into people's lives.

  145. Thank you. Sometimes, it was bumpy but was a nice ride nonetheless.

  146. You may politely unfollow me now.

  147. honestly aside from GNT and anime not much people cares about other japanese shows. well thanks for all the GNT subs, hope you change your mind when 2012's no laughing comes out. thanks again SB

  148. You're welcome, and I hope someday you understand that I'm not doing this for anybody else but me. It's a hobby.

  149. You're welcome, and I hope someday you understand that I'm not doing this for anybody else but me. It's a hobby.

  150. If there is a game next year and someone else subs it, could you guide us to their site if you know where it is?
    Sad that you are going but happy you are taking a leap for yourself :')

    Thanks so much for what you've done.


  151. Thank you. I hope you can still do next year No Laughing 2012. ^_^

  152. Can you at least post a picture of your face?

  153. You are like my hero for doing all this so i hope whatever you do next makes you happy! Thankyou so much for all the great work :) ! Arigatou Gozaimasu Shibatabread - Sama (sorry, no idea what to use for your last name :] )
    - Ivan

  154. I Just want to put in my word and say that You definetly have more international fans. Ive always Loved Japanese Culture and My mother has never really understood it, considering I am Full American and can hardly understand the language (I like to give myself credit since I -can- understand quiet a bit of it) and I showed her Your site and the videos and she loves Gaki no tsukai Just as Much as I do and is excited when something new comes out. Along with my brother who absolutly LOVES the show. ^^ and They wouldnt have been able to watch it without Your translations.

    Your site was a life saver when I really needed to watch some Gaki no tsukai. I hope you have a wonderful life and enjoy it to the fullest. I totally know what you mean when things like this get boring, I have a graphic designing Hobbie and I can just say After doing it for a couple years I got bored with it and find it more of a chore then anything else.

    All my Love to you~

    -Markie "a crazy fan."

  155. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why did you make me go sadface =[ But its cool i understand but i think because of you more people started subbing Gaki so your memory shall live on in other blogs. Thanks for everything for these pass couple years i've been following you secretly as anon before you subbed hospital!!! Since been great couple years to seach shibata bread on google and find something new to watch =]

    Wish you all the best and hopefully you can write some extra crap about jap culture on your blog.
    Take care now~~

  156. dont get me wrong this wasn't a anger post but rather asking why you would decide to quit so soon after recording the end bit of this years game.

    maybe only do the annual game instead of subbing all year round? it's a shame to see such talent go. what about your team?

  157. I hope you recover from the burnout :). Thank you for everything that you've done for the Gaki series and helping us who don't speak Japanese enjoy the series even more.

  158. I for one am excited about the new subbed material that you will be giving us to watch. Dramas, comedies, thrillers, whatever. As long as it's Japanese and subbed by you then I'm good to go. Thank you so very much for all your hard work subbing Gaki no Tsukai these past two years but I won't say you will be missed because I am still going to be following you and visiting your blog daily. I will however say thank goodness for Zurui's blog or I would just explode from lack of Gaki goodness LOL! But thanks for letting us know about your decision, Mr. ShibataBread!

  159. Hi Shibata,

    Just wondering if you have the file to a video i've been looking for.
    I think it's titled "Matusmoto's Brithday Surprise". It was on youtube but for some reason was taken off and never reposted...

    If you could let me know that would be awesome!

    Cheers Buddy.

  160. are you sure this doesnt have more to do with the legal letter you got from japan regarding copyright infringement?

  161. Thanks for all your hard work. Unlike a majority of your fans, I was always more interested in your commentary on the cultural references since I didn't live in Japan long enough to absorb anything other than the language. I look forward to your next projects and I do hope you will continue to educate me more on the Japanese culture.

  162. You did a great job, you deserve a thanks.
    Thanks(times one googolplex) Mr. and Mrs. ShibataBread!

  163. Yearly Batsu Series what really attracted me to your website I respect your decision and hope one day you come back and start subbing for your fans once again
    much love California

  164. Awww...It won't be related to Gaki no Tsukai? Hmm, well, it's your life. I really enjoy your subs, thank you for all you have done.

  165. wow i remember when i had first watched gaki in late 2007 stumbling upon it when i was just searching for funny japanese game shows and thanks to ppl who subed i go to know them when u were there i cudnt believe it! and i thought my life was complete now when u posted this a tear came down my eye ... i luv u for all that uve done shibatabread and ill never forget u best of luck in whatever u do but plzzzzz translate the yearly 24 hr games cuz they are rarity to find and no one really wud do them plz dont leave soo sooon y dont u team up with zurui just dont go soo soon :(

  166. I thought you were subbing them for fun =( oh well. Thanks for all the subs you've done. You will be remembered as the best gaki no tsukai subber

  167. I still do hope you may do the 2012 gaki no tsukai, but its been a fun ride. :) I have always appreciated your translations and always check your page first thing. Good luck in future.

  168. Shibatabread appears in Google's latest video:

  169. omg thats so sad :( i love that show although it must be hard for you to sub it sniff sniff T__T

  170. This is pretty sad. There have always been gaki subbers around, but none of them were as consistent or reliable as you. Maybe after taking a break you'll get the urge to come back to GnT again, one can only hope.

    Best of luck with your future endeavours!

  171. I would love if you subbed Hello Morning episodes ;3
    And thanks for all the work so far, you really had the best subs.

  172. I just want to thank you for having subbed all that you did, you have indeed helped me become the fan I am now. I will miss you, but completely understandable. Hope you'll have mucho fun subbing what you want to sub!

  173. Beautiful NightmareMay 27, 2011 at 4:31 PM

    I respect you for the work and effort you have put in all of the gaki videos , BUT to be can't just quit the thing that made you famous and people know you for. You have over thousands of people all over the world which had been waiting on a hero who will finally sub the best show on earth. I know it's a lot of work, but it is for just one time in the year. I hope you'll change again dear friend :)

  174. I respect your decision, but just know that you will remain for me as a great guy that spent some of this time for sharing that awesome batsu tv show with us translated :D

    Thanks so much for your translations, that added some happiness in my life ^_^

  175. Hey Thanks for your subs :D but where i can i watch others? i cannot seems to find any.. any recomendations mr shibatabread? Please?
