Sunday, November 14, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese Podcast 14) Don't ride the turtle

We're continuing this week with  "Japanese phrases you can shout out with feeling." Perhaps you can try these phrases at your nearby shopping mall. My wife and I also discuss about a widely known Japanese fairy tale called 浦島太郎 - Urashima Taro. Mind you, this isn't your typical Dr. Seuss material. It's a twisted and weird tale, and I believe I was exposed to this story at an early age, way before a healthy brain injections of Godzilla, Mothra, and King Gidra. Oh boy, am I glad there was no Pikachu back then.

Japanese Lesson:


Japanese Fairy Tale:
浦島太郎 - Urashima Tarô

Cool Product in Japan:

Please send me one.
My home address is...


  1. This podcast made my day! Humorous usual! Keep up the good work guys!

  2. good podcast shibata & wife!
    i like those japanese stories, they are different than most western stories. (at least the ones your are talking about)

    have they ever made one of those stories into a movie? i'd love to watch it :D

  3. I was thinking that maybe you ought to post a more direct link in order to download the podcasts?

    Rather than use iTunes to download podcasts, I use an older podcast aggregator by the name of Juice (formerly iPodder) where I simply direct it to download from a list of particular feeds.

    With a little experimentation I was able to DL all your podcasts at once once I directed it to add the feed:

    Maybe add it under your "Subscribe to" section under podcasts for non-iTunes users?

  4. Thank you all for your kind comments.
    I'm not sure if there's been any actual movies on these fairy tales.

    DDELFIERRO - Yes, I will make the direct RSS feed link available. Thanks for your suggestion.
