Friday, August 13, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese Podcast 09) What's so funny about the red vest?

It is Friday the 13th and ShibataBread shares a scary story he heard as a child in Japan. Also discussed is a super versatile Japanese phrase which will make you an instance Japanese-gaijin!? Proceed with caution. This Podcast is hot.

Download this episode (right click and save)

Following Japanese phrase are discussed;

Japanese Lesson
はじめまして Hajime mashite           Nice to meet you

よろしく(お願いします) Yoroshiku (Onegai shimasu)
The above phrase has multiple uses:
1. Nice to meet you
2. In work setting, "I'm looking forward to work with you."

3. Give him/her my best regard
トムによろしく Tomu ni yoroshiku
彼女によろしく Kanojyo ni yoroshiku
彼によろしく Kare ni yoroshiku 

4. I know you can do this (I'm counting on you)

つけ麺 Tsukemen

OK, the red vest.


  1. Thanks guys. Love listening to you two.

    Onomatopoeia question: How about the sound of a heart? English speakers normally say that hearts "beat" or perhaps describe the sound as a "bump-bump," but how do the Japanese describe it?

  2. OK, a bunch of comments:

    Hotel Men pt 27 is still a YouTube video, and that got deleted, so maybe if you could redo that one using Veoh, that would be great. Thanks!

    I think the Gakis were eating tsukemen for lunch in Hotel Men. That part was funny because they kept doing Jyanken for toppings and they added a whole bunch of weird rules for it.

    That leads to my next comment: They had a competition soon after the 2010 batsu game, it was called Taite Kabutte Jyankenpon, I think, where they did Jyanken and the loser had to avoid getting hit in the head by a hammer, and there's some other stuff in there that's pretty funny. They did it with 16 comedians including the Gakis, Yoshio Kojima, and one of the guys from Audrey, so it was a pretty big deal. Maybe look into that and see if it's something worth subbing; it took three episodes, but it's not as intense as the Do Not Laugh series, so it could be fun.

    I have had lots of experience with manga, and I'll admit at first, it took me a while to get used to how to read it, but I like it now because of that.

    I think the ghost story you told was pretty classic. I've watched a lot of Ghost Hunt, so I could visualize the story as it was told, and it was pretty creepy. Best to stick to blue vests from now on.

    Does anybody know what happened with Matsumoto as far as updates on the surgery? I haven't heard anything about it lately.

  3. i love this format way more than the previous ones. definitely more time needed for the Q&A and the scary stories is quickly becoming my favorite segment. i do think a video podcast would be good sometime in the future. would help explain some things a little better. overall, another excellent show. looking forward to next week's podcast.

  4. Shibatabread, your english seemed much more fluent this podcast, i like it!

    I have a question. Japanese and Western people have some different customs. Are there any things that you found weird when you first went to America? (for example, we would find bowing to greet one another weird. Japanese would find shaking hands to greet one another strange)

    @ Dom: heart beat in japanese is "doki doki" :)

  5. i'm sorry, but i found the ghost story to be funny! :/

  6. Is it possible to try out a live blog via webcam? Of course, you and your wife can wear masks to stay anonymous.

  7. Mrs Shibatabread, you did a good job at pronouncing Ezoghoul. Thank you both for the show and for answering!

  8. I think the captions are somewhat influenced by how big manga affects their culture. They play with the size and style of the captions to add dramatic effect, just like in mangas.

  9. Recently,in Gakis tv program,Fujiwara reported that Matsumoto got sergery successfully. And aug.18th he did shooting for the first time after his sergery.So He's recovering well.
    But I'm wondering if he will do the batsu game 2011....It'll be so hard stuff anyway.

  10. Omg, you really scared me with the whole "red-vest" story! Soooo creepy! I am an individual who is never phased by anything but some of the Japanese scary stories really freak me out. Matsumoto's scary story on one his talk shows freaked me out too.

  11. Thanks guys. Love listening to you two.

    Onomatopoeia question: How about the sound of a heart? English speakers normally say that hearts "beat" or perhaps describe the sound as a "bump-bump," but how do the Japanese describe it?

  12. I think the captions are somewhat influenced by how big manga affects their culture. They play with the size and style of the captions to add dramatic effect, just like in mangas.

  13. Is it possible to try out a live blog via webcam? Of course, you and your wife can wear masks to stay anonymous.

  14. OK, a bunch of comments:

    Hotel Men pt 27 is still a YouTube video, and that got deleted, so maybe if you could redo that one using Veoh, that would be great. Thanks!

    I think the Gakis were eating tsukemen for lunch in Hotel Men. That part was funny because they kept doing Jyanken for toppings and they added a whole bunch of weird rules for it.

    That leads to my next comment: They had a competition soon after the 2010 batsu game, it was called Taite Kabutte Jyankenpon, I think, where they did Jyanken and the loser had to avoid getting hit in the head by a hammer, and there's some other stuff in there that's pretty funny. They did it with 16 comedians including the Gakis, Yoshio Kojima, and one of the guys from Audrey, so it was a pretty big deal. Maybe look into that and see if it's something worth subbing; it took three episodes, but it's not as intense as the Do Not Laugh series, so it could be fun.

    I have had lots of experience with manga, and I'll admit at first, it took me a while to get used to how to read it, but I like it now because of that.

    I think the ghost story you told was pretty classic. I've watched a lot of Ghost Hunt, so I could visualize the story as it was told, and it was pretty creepy. Best to stick to blue vests from now on.

    Does anybody know what happened with Matsumoto as far as updates on the surgery? I haven't heard anything about it lately.
