Friday, April 16, 2010

(Hotel pt 25) You can smack me in the head so I can get some laughs

I have talked about Manzai before in this following blog if you haven't read it.
One guy in Manzai duo plays the part of "being stupid, or air-headed," while the other guy would point out his/her error usually by yelling at him/her in funny ways.

Matsumoto of Downtown usually is this "being stupid" guy in Downtown while Hamada's the one to put Matsumoto in his place by pointing out Matsumoto's "stupid-ness" or "error." Hamada's preferred method of correcting his partner is to smack Matsumoto in his head, sometimes pretty hard. They've been doing this since the 80's and it has become Hamada's staple move even when he's not doing Manzai talk with Matsumoto. Many of the guests on Hamada's TV show would be feared (or anticipate) to be smacked by Hamada sometime during the show.

What a life it must be to get paid by smacking people in their heads.

I'd imagine many of you already know who Takeshi Kitano is.
I love the story about how his directorial debut has come about.
Here's the excerpt from Wiki;
After several other roles, mostly comedic, in 1989 he was cast as the lead in Violent Cop (Sono Otoko, Kyōbō ni Tsuki), playing a sociopathic detective who responds to every situation with violence. When the original director (Kinji Fukasaku) fell ill, Kitano offered to step in, and rewrote the script heavily. The result was a financial and critical success in Japan, and the beginning of Kitano's career as a filmmaker.

I understand he's very popular in Europe especially in France. I personally miss him being the comedian, but hey, his talent shouldn't go wasted.

Thank you, Alex!
And my wife, too.

Watch No L@ughing H0tel Men English Sub 25 in Comedy  |  View More Free Videos Online at
Gaki No Tsukai - No Laughing Hotel Man


  1. Thx, I wonder if Downtown is the first comedian who use Manzai. Do you know anything about it? or was it already exist even before downtown?

  2. wooh this really is coming out faster than the others thanks shibata, wife, and alex i remember when it usually took a week to get one part up

  3. How many parts are left?

  4. @Anonymous (April 16, 2010 1:20PM):
    We're roughly at the 4 hour mark with this part so I'm guessing another 12 or 13 parts or so. We're most of the way there though.

    I've thouroughly enjoyed the hotel man batsu game so far (actually watched all these 25 parts today) and really look forward to the next ones. Thank you very much for your hard work!! ^_^

  5. Was there something about Beat Takeshi in that one that I missed?

  6. Thanks alot Shibata. I have to sya that in the beginning i where "your fan" only for the subs you'v done(join gaki fan site today ppl) but after some time now, i'v enjoyed your facts and the clip in the same lvl. I'v been in a Japanee course now for almost 1 year, and i find the facts more and more fun o learn. So thank yuo for the subs, and the facts:)

    BTW: When will we see/hear the next podcast?

    Love from Norway

  7. I don't get the part about Matsumoto's lotion. What did he throw in the bag?

  8. @Anonymous: Given the context of the previous joke on lotion, I'd have to say it was "[his] penis". Since my Japanese is rather limited, I can only assume they bleeped out any grammatical particles that would show ownership and translated as "He threw in a bag" rather than "He threw his in a bag". But that's just a guess.

  9. Eh! When did Matsumoto had a child?!

  10. @ Anon
    His marriage to talent Ihara Rin was announced in May 2009 and their daughter was born October 2009.

    Ihara Rin is 19 years younger than him.

  11. It took me a while for some reason to get the last joke. "Look at it...with the lights on!" LMAO. Cell phone over the baby hahaha - classic. What an awesome Batsu game so far. Thank you Alex, NotShibataBread, and NotShibataBread's wife.

  12. I didn't find this purt funny at all.. :/

  13. Found Some Other Manzai Skit

    Funny And Creative XD


  14. Press the exciting button xD

    you are the best!!!

    cheers from singapore

  16. Thanks for posting these videos ...

    I love BATSU GAME ... these guys are just hilarious, i like everyone of them in their own way !!!

    So ... i am really looking forward to the next parts :D

    PS: your blog is awesome

  17. Man i love you! lol
    cheers from Brazil ;D

  18. LMAO...guys check out 0:21 or 0:22...the camera shakes due to the big guy coming in the room to smack Matsumoto in the butt.

    I don't mean to make fun of fat people...I just.............sorry.

  19. @ "Anonymous April 16, 2010 11:49 AM"
    Manzai is ancient, like hundreds of years old. It is strangely reminiscent of English music hall comedy, and American comedy duos (like the classic "who's on first"), where the comedy is centered around misunderstandings, puns, and the straight man vs fool-dynamic.

    for those who can't get enough of Itao Itsuji's "wife" and her glorious dancing, I stumbled on this clip on youtube today. @ 3:26 she's teaching the guys to dance or something.

    As always, thanks to the Shibatacrew for all the work!

  20. nice nice, i cant wait for the next part. thanks for your hard work

  21. Takeshi kitano is from the game show Takeshi Castle isn't he?

  22. Takeshi Kitano starred in Kukijiro right? i loved that film especially the soundtrack =)

    Thanks shibata and everyone, i enjoyed this clip a lot esp the info about Matsumoto. He is my favorite =)- ana

  23. I laughed at Tanaka's normalness.

  24. damn..reup please :(

  25. what happened to the video? =[

  26. this video no longer exists bummmer ;/

  27. Awesome work dude!

  28. FYI: "Lotion" in Japanese refers to sex lubes. This is why the story about Chihara Jr. and Matsumoto is so funny.
