Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy new year.
My guess is most of you have already seen the new Gaki no tsukai: No Laughing Hotel man(or employees.)
I have seen almost half of it myself, and will be subbing very shortly.
But more importantly, this time around, I have a lot of help from a kind soul named Alex. He'll be taking on the duty of timing, coloring, and adjusting fonts. And thus, we're hoping to expedite the subbing process(fingers crossed.)
So, thank you, Alex.

In a meantime, there are people out there already subbing the new batsu, so keep an eye out for that. But for those with patience, stay tuned for my next blog.



  1. Your contribution to the general welfare of our humble planet sets an example to us all.

  2. Again, infinite thanks to you and Alex for the gift of joy you help us receive from GNT. XD
    and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

  3. Glad your accepting help bread, now the subs can be done faster.

  4. Thank you for all your subs!

    I have a questions though I was wondering if you would do another variety show special when you get time, I know it's not subbed but I think it's a great show like Batsu. Ikinari! Ougon Densetsu.

  5. may i know who else is subbing it? any links?

  6. It is here:

  7. Thaaanksss..
    I couldn't understand the parts from Jimmy Onishi and they were laughing like hellLL!!
    I feel sorry for the downtown's member. They didn't even get to sleep anymore this time (right? or did they?)

  8. You can view an unsubbed version on You Tube. The quality is weak.

    It's in 27 parts, though the parts are shorter than 10 minutes. Also, it seems to have edited some parts out.

    Can anybody say exactly how long the show is?

  9. Thank you so much seriously!
    I'm watching atm the batsu game without subs (watch?v=iGwTLSH6oUI), and well, it's not the same without your subs xD
    So, thank you so much and happy new year!

    OhHorror@youtube :)

  10. looking forward to it!!! THANKS! :DD

  11. First of all, I would like to give my many thanks for your hard work in producing such great quality subs.

    If you have time, I would like to see the first part of Disc 3 subbed (the game where they decide the batsu players). It seems way too funny.

    This is only a suggestion and not a demand. =)
    Again, otsukaresama (hope I said that right) and Happy Holidays

  12. I predict Deluxe will upstage herself (himself?) and do something far more drastic. I predict that Yamasaki will get slapped again. I predict that once again, Matsumoto will get the most hits, but will not top his previous record. I predict the mystery button will return, and it will bring more friends. And above all, I predict that Downtown: Gaki no tsukai ya arahinde (spelling may suck on that) will definitely outdo themselves on this batsu match, and hilarity levels will attain amazing new heights.

  13. Twas a very funny batsu, even without the subs. So much of it WAS conversation though, so yeah, a good half of the comedy went over my head. ;)

    Glad to see Jimmy in a good part of it; must be making up for last years small appearance. Can't wait to hear/understand him in all his rambling, spaced-out glory. ;)

  14. thanks man!
    ...and yeah, i'll just wait for YOUR subs. =]

  15. Thank you once again for your service mr shibatabread! :)

  16. I dont know what gnt fans like me would do without people like you, keep up the good work!

  17. First of all, I would like to give my many thanks for your hard work in producing such great quality subs.

    If you have time, I would like to see the first part of Disc 3 subbed (the game where they decide the batsu players). It seems way too funny.

    This is only a suggestion and not a demand. =)
    Again, otsukaresama (hope I said that right) and Happy Holidays

  18. Thank you once again for your service mr shibatabread! :)
