Monday, July 19, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese Podcast 07) What are you yelling at?

If you've ever wondered what the employees yells as you enter the Japanese restaurant, you're in the right place.

Download this episode (right click and save)

Following can help you ease the listening pain:

Japanese Lesson:

Q: For here or to go?
Tennai de omeshi agari desu ka, omochi kaeri desu ka?

Answer 1:
For here
Koko de

Answer 2:
This is to go
Mochi kaeri de

irasshai mase


  1. Hey, thanks for doing this podcast. It really helps those of us who are just starting to take our first baby steps in Japanese.

    I'm curious about the average Japanese feelings towards Americans. I know that in the post-world war two world ties have traditionally been very strong. However, I also know that recently there have been some issues(like the US military bases on Okinawa, Yukio Hatoyama's resignation, etc). I've been wondering if Americans in general are looked on favorably, or if we get the "evil empire" sort of rap we get elsewhere across the world?

    Also, I've always wondered if people in Japan were aware of just how many young people in America (especially my generation,the ones who grew up on Pokemon) are in love with Japanese culture,manga and anime.

    Thanks again,

  2. YESSSS please translate some videos that we wanna watch :, thank for the podcast

  3. Thanks for the podcast this week, I marathoned through all your no laughing series in a weekend.
    Twitter exclusive challenge?

  4. i would go with Shibatabread on this week's "call of the wild" although i would have to say that he was doing a very weak horse impersonation. needs to be more hyper. but still, my vote is for you Mr.Shibata.

  5. im with Mr.SB with the horse sound, although i like how enthusiastic MrS.SB is while doing her horse sound ^_^ ...if Mr.SB would be more "energetic" in doing his "call" then i would think that the sounds would be more similar and you would get more votes ^_^

    thanks for taking time answering my question for the 2nd time ^_^ i kinda notice that the Japanese people are really polite,so i really appreaciate learning polite responses from you guys ^_^

    btw about the cutting-your-nails thing?in the Philippines,like the older generation knows/believes that superstition ^_^ wierd but i think that it's maybe because the Philippines were under Japanese rule before

    this is getting long so imma stop now ^_^
    lovin the podcast btw


  6. @Bumper:

    that's odd. i grew up in the Philippines and i've never ever heard of that superstition at all.

  7. hmm, i'm going for the japanese horse this time!

  8. good stuff shibata!

    btw wendy's have left japan! and they do understand takeout in most places if not i would make a takeout gesture hee..

  9. good stuff shibata!

    btw wendy's have left japan! and they do understand takeout in most places if not i would make a takeout gesture hee..

  10. Thanks for the podcast this week, I marathoned through all your no laughing series in a weekend.
    Twitter exclusive challenge?
