Saturday, November 22, 2014

(Subbed) Gaki No Tsukai - The King of Bikkuri Face Grand Prix 01

びっくり- The word "Bikkuri" means surprise. The following Gaki No Tsukai episode decides who can deliver the best Bikkuri faces and scores the most points based on five judging elements.

石焼き芋屋さん - Yakiimo Truck (roasted sweet potato truck) is sort of like an ice-cream truck that comes around in your neighborhood with ever-so creepy monotone serenade of "Come get your roasted sweet potato~!," blasting and testing the limit of installed megaphones. 
The piping hot potato is usually served wrapped in aluminum foil. And once the potato is hand snapped in half or 1/3, the first careful bite is nothing short of greatness, provided you're freezing your butt off in a middle of the frigid cold winter in Japan.

You can dl the video here

(Subbed) GNT- The King of Bikkuri Face Grand... by ShibataBread


  1. Great to see you back again, SB! This was really funny, unique concept for a show. Thanks for the subs!

  2. mega works? i just downloades it from mega and doesnt work, i cant find the document!

  3. Just want to say thank you for all your hard work! Loved your releases for ages.
    Thanks from Australia! :)

  4. FINALLY! I've been refreshing this page since the 1960s.

  5. Awesome stuff! Could we also get an access to the softsubs in-case of coming across a better raw quality. It would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much for all you and TofuPizza's hard work.

  6. do i need a MEGA account? it's true, it doesn't work! I can't find it ((Subbed)_Bikkuri_Grand_Prix_01.mp4) anywhere once downloaded, please use another dl!

    1. That's pretty weird. I was able to download it just fine without a Mega account. Maybe check your browser settings on where downloads are saved to by default?

    2. If you're using Firefox there's a button in the dropdown menu on the files you've just downloaded to direct you to the folder where they're saved. Might want to try that.
      It should be around there. Firefox has no problems with MEGA nowadays.

    3. i know that basic stuff about browser... i did it already and didnt got any results.. that is why im asking...

  7. Thank you all. As for dl sites. I welcome any suggested sites.

    1. Mega is the best. no need to reupload on others

    2. the only best are TORRENT

  8. Already put a thank you on the GnT forums but man I just can't thank you enough for this. What an awesome episode.

    You deserve all the credits I can throw at you. :)

    Thank you so much

  9. You know.. I still check your site atleast once every day and even if your posts have become more rare, I won't stop. You still have loyal fans.

  10. This was great thank you so much. Are you going to be subbing the second part by any chance? Thanks again been enjoying your work for awhile!

  11. I'm humbled by all of your kind comments. I'm working on the second part of the series. But it could take a while. Thanks for your patience.

  12. Hilarious, especially our beloved cocorico. Thank you !

  13. Great work, SB! This was an excellent episode.

  14. Keep it up, SB.

    Funny videos with excellent subs.

  15. Thank you very much for this!

  16. Thank you so much for the sub! This is a really entertaining video. It would have been much less funnier without knowing what they said, ecpecially the one by cocorico.

  17. Just popped in to say thank you for the fantastic sub work! I laughed at the Cocorico part of this episode until I cried so hard that I had to pause the video for a while before I could go on again. Can't wait to see the second part of the series, whenever that may be!

    could you subbed this man? it's a crime not to sub a video when sanma-san and takeshi-san in it together... :P

  19. HAMADA release a music video would you translate the lyric? Im so curious Thank You. Been following you since ages
