Wednesday, April 27, 2011

(Subbed) Not for ADD or ADHD

My quest to conquer the animation world with a translation of the first episode of "Black Jack" failed after I found out someone has already done it. (and it's really well done, I might add) 

Perhaps the subbing God is hinting me to "ease" into another genre to work on.

Fortunately, I found a clip of my favorite comic, Itao Itsuji, doing what he does best--delivering off-beat jokes without cracking a smile. What more do you need? He even performs this skit in the traditional 落語 Rakugo style. I wrote a little bit about Rakugo for a "Hotel" batsu episode.



  1. how is called the background music genre? I really like the metallic guitar, the wooden flute and the big drums.... Gives you full inmmersion in Japanese culture

  2. Thanks for the sub :)
    but, I cannot really get the joke except the phone :(

  3. I have ADD but I enjoyed it anyway! ;)

  4. Good to see you enjoying yourself subbing again. I'm completely thumbs up for you picking random comedy videos to sub, gotta love itao.

    Once again, is there any chance you could provide a download link for the video? Thanks a lot in advance.


    Guitar => Shamisen ; Flute => Shakuhachi; Drums => Taiko if I'm not mistaken

  6. haha do utaban please...i will appreciate that ^^

  7. personally, i'm not such a fan of itao (on this particular clip) becaus of his references to places in asia (since i'm unfamiliar with it) or so but still. pretty funny and don't give up shibata. you'll find something that you can work with :P

  8. Maybe you can try subbing mecha mecha iketeru episodes?

  9. Please add the download link for this video. I want to download it. Thanks
    children with disabilities
