Friday, January 14, 2011

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese 20) Stick an avocado on your face

Our first podcast of 2011 starts off where our last 2010 show ended--with some yelling in Japanese and a sprinkle of confusing Japanese pronunciation. ShibataBread talks about a bizarre Japanese fairy tale and Mrs. ShibataBread confesses her love for heated Japanese toilet seats that have a washing function. This is going to be another great podcasting year!!

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Download this episode (right click and save)

Edited 1/16/11: If you have an embarrassing story about an experience living or travelling in Japan, we would love to hear from you. Write to me at and we'll share it on our upcoming podcast.

Yelling in Japanese Lesson:
あーあ Ah-Ah (Oh, no!)
あらま Arama (Oops)
へー Heee~ (I see)

童話 Fairy Tale:

新発売 New Product:
トラベル ウォシュレット Travel Washlette


  1. 1st!! Thx. Shibata!

  2. that just looks so wrong

  3. dude that's just... badong (bad + wrong)

  4. i love your podcast!
    mrs shibatabread you have a beautiful voice!
    looking forward to next week^^

  5. Thank you for all of your comment.
    As for my wife's beautiful voice, it's my editing skills ;)

  6. I listen through the whole pod cast every time (Heeeee~), never been in Japan though.

    Keep up the good work. We all love You.

  7. Thank you Shibatabread.

  8. Thanks for answer my question!!!
    Now it´s clear yet tough lol

  9. Thank you both and your noisy cat for the podcast :)! Sorry, I can't contribute to your idea about the new segment. Great idea though and keep the podcast coming, they’re all great! :D

  10. I have an extremely similar word that is used in my country too! And other south-east asian countries. Alamak kinda means Oh Crap, like when you've realised you've forgotten sth impt. I was really surprised(and excited) when I heard you talk about Arama. Thanks ShibataBread!

  11. Great podcast!

    Question; is there a difference between "sumimasen, gomenasai, shitsureshimasu, warui" ?

  12. im not sure if the "heeeee" saying is the same thing the GnT guys use alot in the batsu games like when they are shown something they weren't expecting. i figure it is. its kinda like when we see something and we're like "whaaaaat?!" or "no way!" or "you gota be kidding me".

    in regards to the japanese toilets. i've never tried one but i'd feel uneasy letting something else clean me. which leads me to ask... how do you know it did the job right or that you're completely clean? do you just trust it, or do wipe one time afterwards just to make sure?

    as always, thank you both!

  13. Hey Mr and Mrs Shibatabread
    Been a long time, but i want you to know that I enjoy your podcasts A LOT!!!! Must have heard them several time allready! (like a shibatabread podcast marathon) Can't get enough ;)
    I got two questions:
    1: when can we expect the long awaited video podcast?
    2: a bit more akward question but I've always wondered what the answer might be. So here goes: In what language do you dream, is it japanese or english? ;p

    Keep up your great work, and thank you!!

  14. @jeroen:
    I might not really good at japanese but

    sumimasen, gomenasai, warui" has same meaning, I'm sorry, but all of them is based on formalities
    sumimasen is more formal
    gomenasai is a little bit less formal than sumimasen
    and warui warui is not formal (warui means sorry, my bad)

    shitsureshimasu means sorry to interrupt (when you go to someone's house, or go into director's room, etc)

  15. Thank you all for your comments.

    Anonymous - Thanks you That was a good explanation.

    Freakyky - I'm still trying to work out a plan in my head for upcoming video cast.

  16. I have a story about Japanese toilets (yes! only about toilets!)

    I was in Narita 2 years ago. My flight arrived at 10PM or so, so there was no one in the terminals at that time. I went to the toilets, where all 3 stalls were open. The first one on the left side was the squat toilet - the hole in the ground. The next, middle one was a regular sitting toilet, while the last one was the ultra-modern one with a washlet and all kinds of gadgets. It was like the evolution of man - but in this case the evolution of toilets.

    I love your work! Keep it up!

  17. David - Thanks for the funny story. Yeah, I forget some of the public restroom is setup like that in Japan.
