Tuesday, December 7, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese Podcast 17) Kachi Kachi Mountain

It's getting pretty darn cold outside, and you might already know how to say "It is cold" in Japanese. But ShibataBread demonstrates other cooler and angrier(?) ways you can say or hear. Incidentally, in doing so, he also manages to confuse his wife. They're continuing another psychoanalysis of ShibataBread by talking about Japanese fairy tale called カチカチ山 Kachi Kachi Yama.

Download this episode (right click and save)

Japanese Lesson:

寒いです(ね) Samui desu (ne)
-It is cold, (isn’t it?)

You might hear more of these if you're in Japan.

さむいぞ Samui zo

さぶ! Sabu!

さむっ! -also heard in Manzai talk when one of the comedians just made an unfunny joke, or basically bombed.

さむー Samu~~

さっぶ Sabbu

OK, I managed to throughly confuse all of you.

童話 Fairy Tale + Onomatopoeia

かちかち山 Kachi Kachi Yama
-Kachi Kachi Mountain

Kachi Kachi is an onomatopoeia depicting the sound of two hard objects tapping.

You can read about this story here if you don't feel like witnessing us butchering the story.
One discrepancy I should point out between what I mention in a podcast and the above wiki link is that the wiki article describes the "kachi kachi" as a sound of fire crackling whereas I remember kachi kachi as someone using flint rocks.


  1. By manzai do you mean Downtown? I recall that too

  2. Man, you guys are REALLY giggly today. Thanks for all the info. Really interesting.

    I have a question for you both. What is the proper etiquette for chopstick use? Are there perhaps different levels of manners one uses based on where or who they're eating with?

    Thanks again!

  3. We appreciate everyone for listening.
    And you're right, we'll try to cut our giggling to a minimum :)

  4. Wooo I understood more of that than I thought I would. Haha you do sound awesome speaking Japanese btw. The giggling's not a bad thing, it makes it more fun IMO.Thanks and I'm looking forward to more =)

  5. I heard Hamada use the SAboo (The last one you mentioned) in his Russia Batsu when he stepped into the city with his fur cap on.
    P.S I don't mind the giggles also. :)

  6. Great podcast!
    2 christmas questions:
    - Do they make children believe in santa claus in Japan. Did they already do this when you were young?

    - Does gaki no tsukai have any christmas special like the new year batsu game?


    Q: would there be any chance you guys would sub past Batsu Games? I ran into a couple of videos and the subs were bad or there were basically none at all when the video was labeled with english subs. Just wondering.

  8. Good podcast. What's the title of the music you used before the "Japanese class" segment? Thank you.

  9. I'm sorry! I meant, before you two spoke about the Kachi Kachi Yama story. Arigato.

  10. you're on kotaku


    one of the links direct here

  11. Thanks Anonymous for the info.
    I thanked the author for the shout-out.

  12. Anonymous- That song used to be an intor for the TV show called "Nippon Mukashi Banashi" means "Japanese Fairy tale."

  13. Great podcast as always, personally i enjoyed all your giggling in this one since it made it lively and funny to hear.
    あなたのランダムな日本語はとても面白かったです by the way. (*≧▽≦)wwwwww

    I had also a question for you that i wanted to see if it was true or not:
    Is it true that Kansai people don't like Natto at all contrary to most of the Japanese ?

  14. Hey,great podcast. I have a question about Japanese pronunciation. I'm a little confused about devoiced vowels and when to use them. For example,like when sukiyaki becomes "skiyaki", or when hitotsu is pronounced "hitots". Are there hard and fast rules about when devoiced vowels should be used?

  15. Great podcast as always, personally i enjoyed all your giggling in this one since it made it lively and funny to hear.
    あなたのランダムな日本語はとても面白かったです by the way. (*≧▽≦)wwwwww

    I had also a question for you that i wanted to see if it was true or not:
    Is it true that Kansai people don't like Natto at all contrary to most of the Japanese ?

  16. you're on kotaku


    one of the links direct here

  17. Great podcast!
    2 christmas questions:
    - Do they make children believe in santa claus in Japan. Did they already do this when you were young?

    - Does gaki no tsukai have any christmas special like the new year batsu game?

  18. By manzai do you mean Downtown? I recall that too
