Sunday, November 28, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese Podcast 16) Life is peachy

Is ShibataBread going to be a busy man after the New Year's? (wink, wink)

Nobody wants to be a rude 外人 gaijin. But as you make close enough Japanese friends to whom you can say mind their own business, why not utter these phrases at them? You know, to put them in their places. ShibataBread and his wife also talk about the fairy tale 桃太郎 Momotarô, or Peach Boy. The story is simple and well known, but I bet you didn't know that this story correlates to the 十二支 Chinese zodiac signs.

Download this episode (right click and save)

 Japanese Lesson:
"Leave me alone" or "Mind your own business"
ほっといて(よ)。 Hottoite(yo)
かまわないで。 Kamawanaide
ほっといてんか。 (Western Japan or Kansai area) Hottoitenka
Folklore, Fairy Tale おとぎ話
桃太郎 Momotarô, Peach Boy
Check out this interactive story of Momotaro.
The following is my best attempt in making the correlation between Momotarô story and the table of Chinese zodiac signs.

The Ogre castle is in the NorthEast, which in Japanese folklore is traditionally where evil spirits reside. It also happens to be the place where the ox and the tiger are in the zodiac table. Notice how the northeasterly-living ogre has the horns of an ox and wears a tiger-striped loincloth.

Momotarô resides on the opposite side of the Ogre castle, or the SouthWest portion of the zodiac table.  You can see that the animal friends (monkey, pheasant, and dog) he meets on the way to fight the ogre are also positioned on the SouthWesterly side of the table.

Coincidence? I think not.

新発売  Shinhatsubai
Starting next March, you can travel in style with this luxurious 新幹線 Shinkansen seat. The seat will only be available for the travel between 東京Tokyo and 青森 Aomori.


しんしん  深々
Shin Shin - depicting the heavy snow accumulation, not stormy, not windy but, quiet and peaceful night.



  1. A pretty short one today huh? I don't mind. It was still pretty interesting =). Not sure if you'd want to keep the Shinhatsubai segment, maybe you can use it when there's a really cool invention like GOPAN again. Really looking forward to this "video" you guys were mentioning, and you got me pretty excited about the new year's batsu game. The subbing team was a good idea... Wouldn't want to ask you to sub the whole thing and tire you out. The subs will probably get done faster this way I hope haha.

    So yea. Thanks for the podcast, and I'm looking forward to more of your great work. ^^

  2. Great podcast! glad to see shinhatsubai back :)

  3. Great podcast yet again

  4. now this may be kind of a unexpected question, and im not trying to start any fires either since religion is a touchy subject. im simply curious, but in Japan, are Jehovah's Witnesses known for knocking on doors over there as well? and, what is the dominant religion over there you would say? Thanks to both of you for the podcasts n translations!

  5. can't wait for the New Year!

  6. Yours podcasts are great!
    Im listening now, starting from 20th to 16th now.

    I dont know if You were talking about it, but:
    Do many Japanese 'suck' with kanji?
    I saw that sometimes next to the kanji is written (smaller) something. Is it often in newspapers etc.?

  7. Yours podcasts are great!
    Im listening now, starting from 20th to 16th now.

    I dont know if You were talking about it, but:
    Do many Japanese 'suck' with kanji?
    I saw that sometimes next to the kanji is written (smaller) something. Is it often in newspapers etc.?

  8. A pretty short one today huh? I don't mind. It was still pretty interesting =). Not sure if you'd want to keep the Shinhatsubai segment, maybe you can use it when there's a really cool invention like GOPAN again. Really looking forward to this "video" you guys were mentioning, and you got me pretty excited about the new year's batsu game. The subbing team was a good idea... Wouldn't want to ask you to sub the whole thing and tire you out. The subs will probably get done faster this way I hope haha.

    So yea. Thanks for the podcast, and I'm looking forward to more of your great work. ^^
