Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just as an FYI

I don't usually talk about my personal life. But last night, our house was broken into, and many of the valuables were stolen. Good news is that nobody's hurt and our pets are unharmed.

Unfortunately, all of the podcast recording hardwares are gone. And at this point, we're not sure when we'll be back on our podcasting routine.

I will be translating and subbing from time to time, but that's after all the dust is settled.

Thanks for your understanding,



  1. I'm sorry to hear that, I know first hand how distraught it can be for that to happen. Hope who ever done it gets what's coming to them.

  2. Oh no!!!! goodness you truly have my utmost compassion and sympathies right now.

    Jeese these days with the economy going up and down (but mainly down), it truly is getting a bit crazy with relations among people.

    Jeese...I hope you guys take time to relax as although I may not understand/relate to how you feel, I can imagine that it is a bit scary right now to know that a stranger/someone went in your property and stole it.

    I honestly don't know what else to say except that I wish you all the best and that maybe hopefully you could catch the thief with help.

    Oh and thanks for all that you do with your subbing and Japanese lessons. I'm sure we all very much appreciate it. Heck, you guys inspired me to take a Japanese class this quarter - so thank you so much.

    Again, my sympathies and best wishes for you,
    Mr. Deja Vu

  3. I'm very sorry, I hope that life gets better for you real quick.

  4. I'm sorry to hear that shibata. You know, as we are your fans, we understand if you need extra time to bring up morale and thanks so much for all the content that you have given us.

  5. this is definitely sad news but on the bright side nobody got hurt. my sympathies to you and your family Mr. Shibata.

  6. aaawh man that really sucks, hope the bastard who got in your house will get caught...

    i feel sad for both of you and really hope it will get better for you in the near future.
    Good luck Mr and Ms Shibata.

  7. This is a terrible thing to happen to anyone, and I really hope that this situation has a positive conclusion. Your hard work on all these videos has brought my friends and I a lot of laughter, our sympathies go out to you.

  8. wow that sucks man..

    My sympathies! I hope they will find the person who did it as soon as possible!

  9. Dang bro, im sorry to hear that. i'm happy you and yours are ok tho. keep your chin up and stay positive.

  10. I can somehow sympathise i guess. My dad was mugged earlier last week. He was hospitalised and he still hasnt recovered full movement in his arm yet. And the robbers got away with my university tuotion fee. or about 60% of it i guess. My parents were saving up. >:L It sucks to know someone who doesnt diserve it has taken it upon himself to leasurely stroll away with the things you worked hard for and earned. It frustrates me to no end that nothing seems to be done about it >:K I hope you guys dont feel too down about it. Assholes like them will get whats comings. Karma is one crazy b*tch XD.

  11. thiefing scum i hope the shit/shits get run over and die very slowly.

  12. Argh, that sucks! I was really enjoying those podcasts! But its good to hear that everyone was alright. Stay safe!

  13. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm also glad that you and your wife are alright and your pets are still ok.

    I guess this is what happens when you podcast about kappa; they take revenge.

  14. hope your family is fine now shibata. BTW, do you have a new account of are you by any chance related with sovcorp, he uploaded your translation of hospital batsu on youtube.

  15. that thief will get what he deserves 10 fold, 'cause that's what karma does to you :<

  16. Im truly sorry to hear this news. At least your pets and you guys are ok.

  17. Wow, really sorry to hear about this. Glad you're all okay, though. I'm sure we're all looking forward to the time when you'll be able to podcast/translate again, but until then we don't mind the wait and just wish you the best of luck in dealing with the aftermath.

  18. We're here to give you emotional support Shibata!

  19. Oh no, that's awful! I had the same thing happen to me last month and it was an awful experience.

    Luckily noone was harmed and your pets are okay but still... It's the mere fact that someone with ill intent was in your place and going through your things. *shudders* Any chance they'll catch the bastards that did this?

    I am sure I'm not alone in saying that we really appreciate what you do. Please take your timeto get things sorted through. We, your readers will still be here when you get through this.

  20. Maybe he heard you are recieving Fuel bottles to your home..

  21. Ahh that sucks , i hope u won the lottery to replace all the equipment!!XD Thank you for your Subs

  22. Oh my goodness, how terrible! I cannot believe some people! I am glad you, your wife and your pets are okay. AND I hope they catch the people who did this to you! Good luck and thanks for all you two do!

  23. OMG ..really sorry to hear this.
    i hope that mother FU(%er get caught soon

  24. That's terrible. Hopefully police officers will find the perpetrator(s). I suggest you keep an eye out, because it may even be someone in your neighborhood. :/

  25. Sorry to hear about your bad news. Hope things are working out for you now.

  26. They'll keep shibata....*sniffs* they'll keep. *winks*

  27. I am very sorry to hear about your misfortune Mr.Shibata I would also like to thanyou for taking time, and effort to sub Gaki No Tsukai. It means a lot too me, and too all these people as well; I wish you luck with your endevours.

  28. I am very sorry to hear about your misfortune Mr.Shibata I would also like to thanyou for taking time, and effort to sub Gaki No Tsukai. It means a lot too me, and too all these people as well; I wish you luck with your endevours.

  29. They'll keep shibata....*sniffs* they'll keep. *winks*

  30. thiefing scum i hope the shit/shits get run over and die very slowly.

  31. wow that sucks man..

    My sympathies! I hope they will find the person who did it as soon as possible!

  32. This is a terrible thing to happen to anyone, and I really hope that this situation has a positive conclusion. Your hard work on all these videos has brought my friends and I a lot of laughter, our sympathies go out to you.

  33. I'm sorry to hear that shibata. You know, as we are your fans, we understand if you need extra time to bring up morale and thanks so much for all the content that you have given us.

  34. Oh no!!!! goodness you truly have my utmost compassion and sympathies right now.

    Jeese these days with the economy going up and down (but mainly down), it truly is getting a bit crazy with relations among people.

    Jeese...I hope you guys take time to relax as although I may not understand/relate to how you feel, I can imagine that it is a bit scary right now to know that a stranger/someone went in your property and stole it.

    I honestly don't know what else to say except that I wish you all the best and that maybe hopefully you could catch the thief with help.

    Oh and thanks for all that you do with your subbing and Japanese lessons. I'm sure we all very much appreciate it. Heck, you guys inspired me to take a Japanese class this quarter - so thank you so much.

    Again, my sympathies and best wishes for you,
    Mr. Deja Vu
