Thursday, June 24, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese Podcast 05) Metal Edition

What do frogs, Kit-kat, and Metallica have in common?
They're all discussed in this podcast, Yeah!!

Download this episode (right click and save)

Following phrases are discussed in this podcast:

あ、これお願いしますAh, Kore Onegai Shimasu "If you would please?"

あ、袋はいらないですA, Fukuro wa Iranaidesu "I don't want it bagged"

さよなら Sayonara
じゃーね Jyane
じゃーまた Jya mata


  1. "ribbit" kinda sounds like the right sound but not quite, but "Kero kero"? i think that just sounds absoloutely nothing like a frog. in the Philippines frogs sound like "kokak" which i think is the perfect version.

  2. When I listen to frog croaks, I can definately hear a k- sound at the beginning, but it is maybe more of a kurara than a kerokero.

  3. great podcast!
    To me, 'ribbit' sounds more right than 'kero kero'. I don't understand how you can hear the frog say 'kero'

  4. Is it also appropriate to say ijyoudesu when you are done groccery shopping? By the way, I agree with your wife. Though I don't hear the b and t in ribbit (I, however, can hear a little r or maybe w sound in ribbit), it seems pretty close to a frog sound.

  5. yep prolly in asians do the "watermelon+salt" combo
    i do it lol

    btw, there's a sushi place that i go to that welcomes their customers in japanes
    i was wodering what do i respond to that :)


  6. btw, this might be a very noobish questiong, but how do you properly drink HOT sake?
    i saw in the movies and anime, that you pour a LITTLE amount on a little platter looking thing or a small cup and SIP it?

    i was wondering if is that right? or do you do it as a SHOT kinda
    thank you much

    dyane :) lol


  7. SHIBATA! Can you upload the NEWS PAPER AGENCY batsu game I've been looking everywhere for it. Thank's Team Shibata For All You're Work

  8. Excuse me for the interruption. Shibata-sama, I think you should read this:

  9. Hi Shibata-san, I am one of your fans to your subtitled batsu games. I found the high school batsu game available in the net is subbed but with low resolution. Also, the subtitle style and quality is not as advanced as yours. I am wondering if you have spare time to make your version of high school batsu game. Below are the download links of the game in 640*426 resolution. I have checked that they are all downloadable. But anyway, you may ignore this if I am asking too much.

  10. BLOODY HAMMER!!!!! haha that's great. i love metallica. i got to see them about 7yrs ago at texas stadium. anyways, thanks alot. also, the whole eating watermelon or other fruits with salt is common here, at least with hispanics i think. i know as a child we ate watermelon, oranges n apples with salt.

  11. I have a question for you, and I don't know how else I can contact you. My question is this: How did you create all those new Youtube accounts when the other ones where disabled? Because my account was recently suspended and I want to know what to do.

  12. I enjoyed your excellent translations of the hotel batsu game. I have a request as I am trying to learn japanese. Can you translate this episode of Downtown hosting namie amuro? The episodes are spliced together as NANAblogspot01--003.001.

    I think that Namie is making fun of Matsumoto and makes him laugh with embarrassment!

    Thanks in advance

  13. For real i planning project to put many gaki videos in one file,format is flash video.And i am recruiting people for this project,tools would be provided for project.Its for yourselves to do,if we succeded,pay we draw attention.The only requirement is to have time.I have samples of 45 hours of Gaki.Contact me through or me)or catch me live.Lets bring laugh together and work as a team.Shibata good luck,podcasts and subs always rock.Marijus

  14. Yeah,i am serious it would be nice if somebody would have pandora account,so i can put some sample videos of it,sample is like 38hours.It would be nice if somebody could help as well.Marijus

  15. Lady Dracula, if im not mistaken, all you need to do to create another youtube account is another email address. nothin too complicated.

  16. Just posting to say I enjoy your casts so keep it up!

  17. Hey, I've enjoyed your subs for a long time and just noticed the podcast for the first time. These are great. Thanks for putting them together!

  18. check this out
    (kit kat related > lolz)

  19. I have a question for you, and I don't know how else I can contact you. My question is this: How did you create all those new Youtube accounts when the other ones where disabled? Because my account was recently suspended and I want to know what to do.

  20. BLOODY HAMMER!!!!! haha that's great. i love metallica. i got to see them about 7yrs ago at texas stadium. anyways, thanks alot. also, the whole eating watermelon or other fruits with salt is common here, at least with hispanics i think. i know as a child we ate watermelon, oranges n apples with salt.

  21. I enjoyed your excellent translations of the hotel batsu game. I have a request as I am trying to learn japanese. Can you translate this episode of Downtown hosting namie amuro? The episodes are spliced together as NANAblogspot01--003.001.

    I think that Namie is making fun of Matsumoto and makes him laugh with embarrassment!

    Thanks in advance
