Thursday, June 17, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese Podcast 04) Ask three times

We're focusing less on the Lesson this week.
Enjoy a couple of new segments like 新発売 "Shin hatsu bai" and "Let's stick with the original."

Download this episode (right click and save)


Thank you for not smoking

なんでやねん!Nan de yanen


  1. hey shiba. i've been following u since da beginning even tho im not a follower of you on this page. and as always, and i will continue to say this as long as you exist (or me), Thank you. seriously. Thank you. "Domo arigato".

  2. im sorry Mrs. Shibata but i have to agree with Mr. Shibata. i grew up around a neighborhood with a lot of roosters in their homes (used for cock fighting) and i hear them all the time and it sounds nothing like "cock a doodle doo". the Jap version is the closest thing to sounding like it.

  3. i heard once tsuji nozomi from Morning musume do a rooster sound the jap version and it sounded actually alot like a rooster the eng version sound to much sissy for my part :P

  4. Thank you both for the podcast,
    planning on visiting Tokyo for two weeks in September so really appreciate the lessons and the travel tips.

  5. To me both the Japanese and English version of the rooster sound plain wrong :p. In Dutch we say "kukelekuu", to me that one is the most accurate one ^^

    I liked this new format more than the other ones. It has more variety in it. I find all the topics pretty interesting. The 3 times rule was a really good tip for me to remember! thanks!

  6. I hear Hanada say "nandeyanen" a whole lot at matsumoto's antics. XD

  7. I hear Hanada say "nandeyanen" a whole lot at matsumoto's antics. XD

  8. To me both the Japanese and English version of the rooster sound plain wrong :p. In Dutch we say "kukelekuu", to me that one is the most accurate one ^^

    I liked this new format more than the other ones. It has more variety in it. I find all the topics pretty interesting. The 3 times rule was a really good tip for me to remember! thanks!
