Thursday, May 20, 2010

(Yes, ShibataBread is Japanese Podcast 01) I heart me some Japanese

This celebratory podcast debut will have super-easy-yet-effective Japanese lessons.
Also, we're answering some of your burning hot questions!

Download this episode (right click and save)

Following phrases can be useful for this podcast:

ありがとう Arigato (ah-ri-gah-toh), Thank you

どうも Domo (doh-moh) Thanks

すいません Suimasen (su-ee-mah-sen) Excuse me, Pardon me

そうですか Soudesuka (soh-de-su-kah) I see

いじょうです or 以上です Ijyoudesu  (e-joe-de-su) That's it, I'm done.


  1. Great first podcast, the lesson was interesting and I think a 30 minute podcast is the perfect amount of time.

    as for a question for the next podcast...

    how do Japanese react to non-European foreigners
    such as other Asians

    do they treat them differently and such

    and also how do treat Caucasian foreigners

    what sparked this question was these video I saw on Youtube of this Japanese group holding protest and saying stuff like "get out! go back to Korea!" to Korean nationals.

  2. Great first podcast. Me and my mate will be going to Japan in June/July so these lessons are great.

    For future lessons could you teach us how to ask for and understand directions??

    Thanks for your hardwork keep up the good work!!

  3. very interesting stuff Shiba. especially about the blood types. thats so krazy how it actually matters over there. i don't even know my blood type and im 26.

    and whats funny about the coffee shops is that to me they sound just like Starbucks, just slightly more sophisticated, and yeah, im not believer of paying lots of money just for coffee. Arigato to you and the Mrs.

  4. Great Podcast!

    Question - In the clips I've seen where the guys are walking the streets, nobody ever comes up to them to talk to them or ask for a picture or autograph. In the US, it would be quite common for fans to approach a celebrity on the street and say hi or ask for a picture or autograph. Is it just culturally different where celebrities get left alone? I guess a question that should also be asked is just how popular are these guys? Are they instantly recognizable by everyone?

  5. The haunted hotel Matsumoto batsu has already been subbed...

  6. Hello Shibatabread ,

    Is it possible to give a link where we can download it and have it on computer ?

  7. Nice, keep it up man!
    I liked that you chose to go with the kansaiben way of it, saying "suimasen" instead of "sumimasen". Please keep with that, it's very useful to new japanese students and for those not-so-new students, because the formal versions of verbs and words are easier to find around and are the ones usually taught in schools. So keep it up, and thanks a lot.

  8. Great podcast! One thing I am missing in the blog post is the hiragana/kanji kanji writing of the expressions. I think it is best to avoid romaji as much as possible.

  9. Thank you everyone!

    To VinceDotLink: Do you mean the link to download the podcast, or the videos?

    To H: What's funny is that I didn't realize I was using the kansai-ben until you pointed out. I guess the floodgate has been open, I will stick with kansai-ben where appropriate.

    To Epsen: Great suggestion! I will go ahead and add the Hiragana and Kanji where needed.

    Thank you

  10. Wooohooo my questions aswerd! Domo Arigato!!

    and yes I am one of your first and longtime fan ;)

    Keep up your amazing work

  11. Nice podcast! I've been learning Japanese for about a year now, never was told to use 'a' at the beginning of them, but the Japanese girls I hanged out with told me I had a pretty good accent, very interesting.
    Is it true that I would need to learn how to use a toilet in Japan?

  12. Actually there are 8 blood types if you add the Rh factor. Which would make the 4 basic types into 8. Since there would be an A+ and A- and so on and so forth.
    The Rh factor can lead to a fatal incompatibility during pregnancy. When the mother is an Rh negative and the partner is an Rh positive. The baby might become an Rh positive blood type. When that happens the mother's body will develop antibodies that will start attacking the developing fetus blood cells. This can lead to fatal consequences for both mother and child.

  13. Oh, and when is the best time to go Japan?

  14. Thank you so much for doing this! I really enjoyed the lesson and I hope to learn more in the future. I've been working on trying to learn Japanese for a while now...

  15. If you are taking requests for future podcast lessons, I would like to see a lesson on how to ask how expensive something is. I thnk that would benefit many who are planning to travel to Japan.

  16. Hey man, great podcast, will keep coming back to it until ive memorised those words. ^^

    Looking forward to more of your work.

    P.S. Could you play a piece or two of some Japanese music in the middle to break up the show a bit?
    Maybe listeners could request a piece to be played.

    Japanese Metal pleaseeeeee \m/

  17. I mean the podcast,in .mp3 or any audio format you're using.

    Because the podcast player isn't convenient if i need to go back to listen again the pronunciation for example.

  18. hello Shibata and mrs Shibata :) Great Podcast been following you from youtube from beginning of the Hotel Batsu game :) My question is that are you ever going to touch into other comic dueo of japan ? Mine are the 99 and there Mechaike series :) I wonder if you have seen Okamura Takashis great work ? And my second question is are the japanese people really that bad at speaking english ???? Thanks for the subbs Hugs and Kisses from your fan in Sweden :)

  19. Hey shibata.. Really great podcast and helpful indeed. I'm planning to go for a vacation in japan by next summer so lessons is something i sure do like and want to learn better :3 Well if you do take requests, i would love to learn more about how you ask for directions, The different types of greetings and maybe some of main differences between what you would call... normal Japanese?(i guess) and different dialects.

  20. Can you tell me what the dots are that appear over the kanji onscreen are for? This usually happens with Fujiwara.

  21. great podcast, i like the q&a, but i would like it if the lessons were longer. maybe just podcast of lessons only

  22. ありがとうございます!! 日本語がとても素晴らしいです!

  23. great job with the podcast, I generally find most talkcasts boring but this was interesting. I liked the casual setup between the two of you. Keep it up!

  24. Shibata number 1 fanMay 25, 2010 at 2:33 AM

    どうも ありがとう ございます

    私はポルトガル から来ました

  25. Why aren't you using the much more common (and more accurate) Hepburn transcription ? We at university use only this one.

    For me it would be more interesting if you'd talk about things that happened to you in Japan, than having a language-centered podcast.
    The things about the coffee shops was interesting for example !

  26. awesome podcast guys. btw i like the idea of subbing the Haunted Hotel series. i feel like you can add more depth to the videos. anyways, keep up the good work and thanks for the lesson!

  27. Great Podcast I really enjoyed the japanese lesson.

  28. Do you think you sub the clip where they had to recite a tounge twister like phrase and if they stuttered or stopped they would get hit by the chinko machine??

  29. Will you continue to sub the new batsu games when they come out?

  30. how did chiaki and endo brake up? why did they divorse they're merraige?

  31. Jeroen VierstraeteMay 29, 2010 at 10:23 AM

    Hi, i loved your podcast. The timing was just right.

    I've got another question, I've heard that there are many ways of counting stuff in Japanese. Also, counting itself is a bit strange, because you sometimes have 2 words for the same number (like shi and yon = 4, nana and shichi = 7)
    Why is this? When do you need to use shi or yon?

  32. not tryn 2 b a bots but...i hav a question...isnt it sumimasen not suimasen?

  33. man i love your podcast!!! really great!!!

  34. Hi. I recently found the batsu games online and stumbled on to something great...your site. i definitely appreciate your subs on the games. i hope you sub this years batsu game and the rest in the oncoming years. i just wanted to say thank you, please keep doing what youre doing<3

  35. I never knew about the "Ahh" part before, that's really helpful to know. Ahh, domo~

  36. CK- Ahh, it's a little hoaky, but works nonethless :)

  37. CK- Ahh, it's a little hoaky, but works nonethless :)

  38. not tryn 2 b a bots but...i hav a question...isnt it sumimasen not suimasen?

  39. how did chiaki and endo brake up? why did they divorse they're merraige?

  40. hello Shibata and mrs Shibata :) Great Podcast been following you from youtube from beginning of the Hotel Batsu game :) My question is that are you ever going to touch into other comic dueo of japan ? Mine are the 99 and there Mechaike series :) I wonder if you have seen Okamura Takashis great work ? And my second question is are the japanese people really that bad at speaking english ???? Thanks for the subbs Hugs and Kisses from your fan in Sweden :)

  41. Hey man, great podcast, will keep coming back to it until ive memorised those words. ^^

    Looking forward to more of your work.

    P.S. Could you play a piece or two of some Japanese music in the middle to break up the show a bit?
    Maybe listeners could request a piece to be played.

    Japanese Metal pleaseeeeee \m/

  42. Actually there are 8 blood types if you add the Rh factor. Which would make the 4 basic types into 8. Since there would be an A+ and A- and so on and so forth.
    The Rh factor can lead to a fatal incompatibility during pregnancy. When the mother is an Rh negative and the partner is an Rh positive. The baby might become an Rh positive blood type. When that happens the mother's body will develop antibodies that will start attacking the developing fetus blood cells. This can lead to fatal consequences for both mother and child.

  43. Thank you everyone!

    To VinceDotLink: Do you mean the link to download the podcast, or the videos?

    To H: What's funny is that I didn't realize I was using the kansai-ben until you pointed out. I guess the floodgate has been open, I will stick with kansai-ben where appropriate.

    To Epsen: Great suggestion! I will go ahead and add the Hiragana and Kanji where needed.

    Thank you

  44. The haunted hotel Matsumoto batsu has already been subbed...

  45. Great first podcast, the lesson was interesting and I think a 30 minute podcast is the perfect amount of time.

    as for a question for the next podcast...

    how do Japanese react to non-European foreigners
    such as other Asians

    do they treat them differently and such

    and also how do treat Caucasian foreigners

    what sparked this question was these video I saw on Youtube of this Japanese group holding protest and saying stuff like "get out! go back to Korea!" to Korean nationals.
