Tuesday, May 11, 2010

(Hotel Man Sub Files) Please see "FAQ+Sub Files" under the header.

If you're like a caveman like me or cavewoman like my wife and don't know what to do with these files other than to grunt at them, fine folks at the gaki forum can help you here.
How not to grunt at these files

Of course, thank you goes to Alex for another fine job.

Please do me a favor, if you see any errors, let me know so that I can fix them.

Thank you everyone!

Gaki No Tsukai - No Laughing Hotel Man


  1. Not Found
    Error 404

  2. Oops, sorry about that.
    Try it now?

  3. Downloaded, confirmed, 100% working.
    Thanks a lot for the hard work.

  4. Thank you for the Subs ShibataBread, i hope you'll be around for the next Batsu.

    PS: a special thank you to your wife for lending you out to all the gaki fans. :-)

  5. Many thanks friend!
    I wonder if you coud sub this next?
    Hot Spring Inn Yugawara.
    There are no good complete subs for this game.
    Anyway thanks from New Zealand!

  6. can you try uploading at mediafire,ifile etc
    Rapidshare wont allow me to download.thank you :)

  7. Awesome! This is Awesome! You are Awesome! Just Awesome!

  8. Questions for shibata-sama :
    When this batsu will be out in DVD? And will you adapt your subs for this version?
    Also Thanks you and your wife.

  9. Doumo Arigatou Gozaimashita! m(_ _)m

  10. im srry to ask, but how does downloading it work? :o all the files i see are about 150kb in size (but the police one is also jus 70kb so im not sure if the sizes are intentional or not)

  11. Thanks! But what's the RAW to this, the one on d-addicts?

  12. finally tanks for the work you put into this^^

    i´m grunting happily

  13. Can you please sub some other Downtown vid. . .Like gaki no tsukai Cosplay bus

  14. Fantastic job, every line is perfectly subbed! I see how much work You have put into this, big respect!

  15. you are a fantastic individual

  16. are u gonna sub the gaki no tsukai newspaper series?

  17. Thanks for the sub files. I've already merged them to make hardsubs and made DVDs (to spread the joy of batsu games with my friends).

  18. thanks...great work!

  19. I'm so glad you can bring this to a new audience and I'm so fortunate to be a part of it. Thank you!

  20. If you were ever thinking of subbing another Gaki DVD could you do the Matsumoto Chousen series where he tries to accomplish his so called "goals" in life... it tends to get a little repetitive but even just looking at the whole thing makes me laugh.... if not the tasting and cooking series are by far my favorites

  21. how do i view this videos?I want the mp3 file(or playable)

  22. omg thank u so much. ive waited for the subs for half a year. now i can finally enjoy it with my friends n family.

  23. hi shibatabread thx for all ur hard work and alex and shibatas wife!!!!!!!!!
    at the final part when sharan Q sings the song reviewing the batsu game, the picture lagged behind the sound...is it my computer's problem or what??
    i would appreciate it if u can reply maybe to my email at laitammy22@gmail.com (cuz im afraid i'll forget to check here again)

  24. What will I do now after downloading it?I don't know how to make it into dvd. Please help.

  25. i'm the previous person, i watched your video (hotelman batsu game) in utube, but maybe the admin erased it? i was downloading your video back then but only the last parts (bout 24-30)
    and then i lost your tracks in utube and i find this sub, please help me to make it work.
    please mail me if u can at billions_arms@yahoo.com

  26. Thank you so much for your hard work!

  27. can i have mp4 file of it i can't seem to make the .ass file work and ty for the subs

  28. Thank you so much!!! :D

    The thread link doesn't work though... :(

  29. Anonymous- sorry about that. Please see "FAQ+Sub Files"

  30. It is still not working though i wanna dl it XD

  31. I will check it out and fix the link once I get home tonight.
    Thanks for letting me know.

  32. Shibatabread, I still don't really understand how to download these things(I'm no good with technology). When I clicked on mediafile for a video, it said I had to install some kind of free download thing. I dunno what to do after that. Please help!

  33. Anonymous - Please disregard the mediafile as I no longer have an account with them. Sorry about the inconvenience.

  34. Where do I download the videos that these sync to? I can't find it on your site or Zurui's.

  35. possible to upload to megaupload? really want to watch this.. please~~~~~~~~~

  36. I can't seem to download the sub files ... all the links are showing that the files are deleted ...
    could you please upload the on dropbox or something like that ?!!!

  37. Hello,

    Yea if you can reupload the sub file, Thanks Alot
