Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(Hotel pt 27) I'm not scared

Many people seem to enjoy the "Don't be scared" segment of the 24 hour series.
Maybe next year, they should just do the night segment of it.

くいだおれ人形 or Kuidaore Ningyou is this mechanical drum playing doll that resides in front of the restaurant called "Kuidaore." Anybody who visits Osaka usually gets the chance to take a picture with him. He's been there since the 50's but the restaurant has recently closed and the Kuidaore Ningyou is to be removed (someone, please verify this, please?)

You can read more about Kuidaore, or Dotonbori(area where the doll is)

I want to thank everyone for their support on my podcast. And I really appreciate everyone's feedback, suggestions, and questions.

My wife and I will do one last test podcast before the official one. I'll have a short interview with many of your favorites, so stay tuned.

If there's any musicians out there who has a short music I can use for the podcast intro and outro, I'd be happy to take a listen.

Yes, Hotel Man saga is almost over!

Thank you, Alex

Watch No L@ughing H0tel Men English Sub 27 in Comedy  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.comGaki No Tsukai - No Laughing Hotel Man


  1. Video not available >.<

  2. Wait for it to process on youtube.

  3. i can't believe how addicting this is. i'm actually trying to learn japanese and to start the process i'm eating more ramen. hahaha. thanks shibata, mrs shibata, and alex.

  4. I appreciate all the hard work you guys are doing. Keep it up! On another note, what's the deal with the clarity of the video on episode 27? It sure is hard to read the subs.

  5. anybody know why they had the bleeping sound going in the video?

  6. He just uploaded it so the quality's going to be crappy and hard to read. Give it time folks, he just uploaded it and it takes a bit for Youtube to redo it in the higher quality.

  7. Quality looks good now. Looks like it takes about an hour and a half after upload.

  8. bleeping is for public safety, they don't want people at home to do it so they bleep it

  9. It might be that they don't have the permission (licensing and such) to say the actual name of the product.

  10. lol, this one was pretty funny.

    love the scare segment

    thanks shibatabread and alex!

  11. ShibatabreadOutto!... next name suggestion =)

  12. What the fuck is your problem you lonely faggot? I hope you feel good taking down these videos you fucking loser.

  13. maybe you should just avoid using the "shibata " altogether..
    anyway some interesting trivia.. i believe you meant ciabatta bread in your podcast. ciabatta actually means slipper in italian. just some ideas for the next youtube username!

  14. What the heck? The videos are all gone... Kind of lucky I already watched it but I wanted to see it again and some haven't even seen it yet.

    What would you gain from reporting it anyway? It's now like shibatabread is getting any money from this. Some loser needs a life really.

  15. now I wonder what /b/ at 4chan will do with that e-mail >:3

    Enjoy your e-mail hell.

  16. its gone?it says that the video is no longer available =( aaaw

  17. what an f-ing ass!! but i'm glad someone posted his email on 4chan/b/ hahahahahahahahha. i hope he gets like THE MOST f-ed up s***.

  18. he has a blog! lets spam his shit...

  19. This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Association of Copyright for Computer Software.

    Those japanese tv rights suck really hard. Thats why almost everything there is bought and is legal. Wow I couldn't live in Japan for no more than a week because of their stupid tv and internet rights on videos, photos, magazines etc.

  20. Damn. I saw it up but the HD versions hadnt been processed yet, so I decided to revisit later only to find this. Saddening.
    Hope you come back shibata! and hopefully find a better host than youtube!

  21. I say move away from YouTube too. Maybe Veoh or something else?

    I'm so upset. I didn't even get to watch this episode (because YouTube was being temperamental to me and gave that "an error occurred. please try again later" crap. And now, when I tried again later, it's completely gone and removed :(

    But thanks anyway, Shibata & Alex. You guys have been great with the subs. If only I understand Japanese now..... Sighs.

  22. wow this sucks :( hopefully you could reupload it soon !

  23. i got the copyright thingy...

  24. I think you should change your username for youtube because i think they'll end up finding any names with 'shibata' and will be banned. Maybe try using other names like 'cibata' or Bashita.

  25. New account again? How about ©shibatabread

  26. I think youtube blocked your account again.

  27. here taro is, now.

  28. they remove it againt :( how sad :( i haven't seen it

  29. ugh i didnt get to watch it b4 it was removed

    im sure you will get to upload it later with a different name

    how bout
    Shibata_OUT, then your wife or alex hits you ^_^

  30. anyone managed to download the vid before it was deleted? would be great if it was uploaded somewhere like RS or MU

  31. Veoh has been saved by Qlipso; if I were you I'd dump Youtube altogether and just stay with Veoh for now. Even your oldest videos are still online there.

    You've garnered quite a following from YT now, so they should follow you there. Keep up the awesome work dude, it's still very much appreciated.

  32. video not working

  33. Those idiots who says upload in veoh are some imbeciles from USA, Canada, Japan or Western Europe who can sees freely veoh but the other rest of the world is banned, so better shut up if you don't know to give any ideas.
    Please shibata reupload in youtube again the remaining episodes starting from episode 27. Thx in advance.

  34. oh no, you were traced shibatasan!

  35. Oh no you were traced shibatasan.

    could it be that the new account was traced due to the surged of subscribers? If that's the case, we should not subscribe anymore to shibata's YT channel, let's just watch the video on YT but check for new video upload here.

  36. Could you still post it on veoh?..
    I've only watched the few on there...

  37. Hey Kelvin I hope you fucking die from the Syphillis you got from that fat singaporean guy your mom pimped you to

  38. oooo nooo..not again!!i want 2 watch part 27 so badly..

  39. Don't stop Shibata, you're the only one we can turn to in these dark times...

  40. the vid isnt working is there anywhere else you uploaded this?

  41. I'll get the IP and be sure to post it here, then you guys can have all the fun you want :)I know I will hahaha!

  42. kelvin you f***, i hope u rot in bloody hell - is this reporting thing fun for you or something?! 'kiasu sh*t!!'

  43. Noooooooo ... Youtube removed the videos ... pleeeaaaase you have to upload it somewhere else ... i was waiting so long for this part !!!


    still: thx for your efforts

  44. If your looking for music to play in the background for your podcast then you could use something from www.newgrounds.com audio portal perhaps. As long as you credit the artist and since its for a non commercial purpose everything should be fine.

  45. If I may suggest something. Would blip.tv work? I know a lot of people upload their vids on blip. Of course, I don't know if they could remove them for the same thing, but it may work.

  46. To anon - if you use Firefox use the Illimitux add-on. It gets past the country block on Veoh.

  47. Kevin if ur a singaporean and can read this, PALA BUTO!! Kanina!

  48. shibatabread, will you join all the videos from each Batsu Game in one complete video and then upload it for us to download? Or will you make a DVD?

  49. I guess maybe im the only one that cant stand the night segments. I think it takes so much away from the show. Thanks for all the hard work shibata.

  50. Takasu~ Kuriniku~

    I think the Gakis can't stand the Don't Get Scared segments either. lol Matsumoto goes "How come this is annual event now?"

  51. Re: mint product being bleeped...

    I wonder if it's Endo's favourite FRISK mints...

  52. Awww I missed 26 somehow. Crap.

  53. The Don't Get Scared segment could've been so much better if it started earlier in the night...oh well

    Thanks for all the hard work Shibata!

  54. part 27 is removed >.<

  55. You can find the part 27 on veoh, just look for:
    No L@ughing H0tel Men English Sub 27

    Youtube never was a good place to post stuff, and probably never will be either. They have one huge archive though...

  56. youtube blocked the video..........

  57. Found it!


  58. great job anonymous ! thanks to you and thanks Shibata and Alex for that awesome work, just like always ;)

  59. found it here


  60. Thank you all. I just embedded the Veoh video onto this page.

  61. Thank you all. I just embedded the Veoh video onto this page.

  62. You can find the part 27 on veoh, just look for:
    No L@ughing H0tel Men English Sub 27

    Youtube never was a good place to post stuff, and probably never will be either. They have one huge archive though...

  63. Awww I missed 26 somehow. Crap.

  64. I guess maybe im the only one that cant stand the night segments. I think it takes so much away from the show. Thanks for all the hard work shibata.

  65. Those idiots who says upload in veoh are some imbeciles from USA, Canada, Japan or Western Europe who can sees freely veoh but the other rest of the world is banned, so better shut up if you don't know to give any ideas.
    Please shibata reupload in youtube again the remaining episodes starting from episode 27. Thx in advance.

  66. Veoh has been saved by Qlipso; if I were you I'd dump Youtube altogether and just stay with Veoh for now. Even your oldest videos are still online there.

    You've garnered quite a following from YT now, so they should follow you there. Keep up the awesome work dude, it's still very much appreciated.

  67. they remove it againt :( how sad :( i haven't seen it

  68. here taro is, now.

  69. New account again? How about ©shibatabread

  70. wow this sucks :( hopefully you could reupload it soon !

  71. its gone?it says that the video is no longer available =( aaaw

  72. ShibatabreadOutto!... next name suggestion =)

  73. It might be that they don't have the permission (licensing and such) to say the actual name of the product.

  74. He just uploaded it so the quality's going to be crappy and hard to read. Give it time folks, he just uploaded it and it takes a bit for Youtube to redo it in the higher quality.
