Sunday, April 4, 2010

(Hotel pt 22) I humbly receive

For Japan-savvy folks, this is nothing new, but for those who aren't, Japanese customarily say a phrase before and after each meal: いただきます( Ita da ki masu) for before the meal and ごちそうさま(Gochi sou sama) for after the meal.

Of course, I didn't think too much about this when I was living there. I was merely doing "what I was supposed to do." I got the chuckles when I looked it up on Wiki and it translated the "Ita da ki masu" as "I humbly receive." I guess that's what it is, but it just sounds odd and funny to me. Anyhow, the phrase delivers thanks to all the people  involved to make the meals possible. Oh, and don't forget to put your hands together as you say these phrases. It can make you a cooler Gaijin.

You can hear "Ita da ki masu" more than a couple of times in this clip. Phonically, it won't sound like how I had it spelled but hope you can at least spot when they say this.

And thank you to those giving us more information on certain celebrities whom miss to explain. It helps me, too.

Thank you Alex, and of course, my wife for their help.

Watch No L@ughing H0tel Men English Sub 22 in Comedy  |  View More Free Videos Online at
Gaki No Tsukai - No Laughing Hotel Man


  1. thanks shibata was following ur blog since first video here, awesome as always

  2. how come i cant download this?

  3. Thanks! keep them coming!!!

  4. Hilarious. I love this part. Thanks a lot!!

  5. Man, those dinners looked so tasty! (notice I didn't use the word delicious, lol)

  6. AWESOME...Domou Arigato Gozaimasu Alex, Shibata, and Shibata san's wife.

  7. Really good! dynamism got me, he tried to say it twice and failed them both. Is there still going to be more Batsu games Matsumoto and Hamada are getting old, i don't want to see an old man getting butt slapped :D

  8. Haha, reminds me of Iron Chef!

  9. Thank you for the subs, I love your work and Gaki no Tsukai

  10. amazing!!! i love this part! the past few ones didn't really make me laugh out loud. cheers to the Shibata bread crew! hahahaha!

  11. Thank you ShibataBread, for making this amazing show available for the english speaking world to appreciate.

  12. lol! this is one of the funnier parts they've had in a while XD

    thanks shibatabread, shibatabread's wife and alex! you guys make a great team :D

  13. Wow, it's already part 22 of the hotel man batsu game!!!
    Thank you ShibataBread, ShibataBread's wife and Alex!!!

  14. These two guys are annoying. I share the same sentiment with Gaki guys.

  15. Thanks all you 3 ^^

    Most probably another one of the funniest parts of this batsu game, Matsumoto and his prawn and Heipo being worse than ever make me laugh so hard each time i see em... XD

  16. I love Matsumoto! ^^

  17. i want to have a taste of the bento. thanks for all the hardwork shibata and wife and alex! ^^

  18. I f*cking laughed at "complimment to the chef", "check out this dinamism" HAHAHAHAHA. Thx Shibata & Alex for your hard work. Keep that high quality!!!

  19. gosh...the Gaki should make you the official translator for their show! I had a rough day, and really pleased to see the 22 part on Youtube. I got to LOL before I sleep and that's really made my night! Thank you!

  20. XDDD Matsumoto gets me every time with his infectious laugh!

  21. Awww...poor Endo had to eat the leftovers. I was like "what the heck" when the guys said that they were out even though they were better phrases than the "examples." lols to Matasumoto and Tanaka. :D

  22. Yay. These vids always brighten up my day when I get home from a crappy day at work/school. Thanks to all of you for working so hard for us strangers :)

  23. the video cannot be played on youtube.. it says an error has occurred.

  24. actually this and the next segment is already on youtube under demonicderek78.


  25. dude... you're my gaki hero...
    keep your nice works... i cant wait for the next part :D


  26. Thanks for the subs.

  27. since i saw my first Gaki no Tsukai (High School) i started to love this show, and i have just recently discovered this website!! Thanks a lot Shibatabread!! you deserve a nobel prize!

  28. i would appreciate it alot if you upload the no laughing spa and when matsumoto is in the scary hotel by himself, would you please? =D thxs if you do

  29. ビデオを拝見していただきます。
    (not sure whether my grammar is correct or not but thanks ^^)

  30. man i wonder if heipo is really like that in real life. It must be soooooooooooooooooo annoying just seeing him after the 10th time D:
