Saturday, April 10, 2010

(Hotel pt 24) I guess someone had to do this

Who else would you have wear this ridiculous outfit other than Yamasaki?

I feel like the production team milked this bit for all its worth. I understand that it was a rainy day on the day of this shoot, and some of the outside activities weren't possible so the team had to resort to something indoors, like this.

By the way, the helmet worn by Yamasaki is called "Kabuto" in Japanese. It is a traditional armor used to be worn by Samurai.

I don't believe there's any deep meaning into what Yamasaki is wearing (or not wearing) It's just for the laughs.

Thank you Alex!

Watch No L@ughing H0tel Men English Sub 24 in Comedy  |  View More Free Videos Online at
Gaki No Tsukai - No Laughing Hotel Man


  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH ALEX, Notshibatabread, and Notshibatabread's wife!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

  2. Thanks SB/waifu/Alex =) Keep up the good work!

  3. thank you! you guys are the besssst :D

  4. yaaay. I'm stuck here bored and babysitting and now i have something to do! thanks Shibata, Alex, and Wife!!!

  5. what a cliff hanger, i soo want to know what the blacklisting committee has to say about yamasaki ! :) many thanks for all of your efforts to bring this show to the english-only set....

    Yamasaki is my favorite.
    Those dramatic scenes of him are so funny

  7. aw. cant wait for 25 ++++

  8. thanks,,, burning to watch 25 :(

  9. I'm guessing there's no stigma on the Hitler mustache in Japan like there is in western society?

  10. Re: Hitler mustache. I don't think that is regarded as a Hitler-stache in Japan, it shows up everywhere as just a funny stache. Also, there's no stigma on HITLER. In a tv-show last year, Berryz (or was it C-ute?) did a presentation on famous gaijin. Hitler was summed up as "he wrote anti-semitic books and his speeches had a purifying effect on the people. He was also short and was self-conscious about this". That sums up Hitler pretty accurately, right?
    Then again, the whole European theatre in WWII is probably pretty unknown in Japan. This goes both ways I guess, ask any gaijin schoolkid about Nanking/Manchuoko and see what they know.

  11. Also, as usual, huge thanks to everyone involved in subbing this.
    Has anyone else noticed that subs are blurry, pixellated, and often unreadable if you watch the clip immediately after it's uploaded, but after a couple hours they are crisp and nice? Just an observation.

  12. Yamasaki killed everyone inside that room!!! the outfit and the "minor changes" rendered him very laughable!! thx as always for your hard subbing work !!!

  13. Thank you so much for this! ;_; Can't wait for part 25~

  14. Thank you so much!!

  15. Krank, yes, that's a function of how Youtube works.

  16. thank you so much~~~

  17. old

    been subed all rdy

    shape up or ship out

  18. Thank you so much!
    I'm from brazil and i only know english!So thnks very much for your hard work!

    tanaka 2 slaps angel!

  19. thanks a bunch from honolulu!
    your efforts (as well as those involved) are greatly appreciated!

  20. Yama reminds me of Benny Hill here (and many other scenes) with the faces he makes, laughing so hard at how he terrorizes the others.

    Thank you for translating, keep up the good work.

  21. thanks a lot for this, love them.

  22. Shibatabread! i want to ask you something, i dont know a lot about the japanese culture and i think you can help me..

    Yamasaki said that he was endo's and tanaka's Senior. but also Hamada and Matsumoto are yamasaki's seniors?..

    What does the Senior exactly means? does a senior has a privilege ins something from the others?

  23. Senior in Japan is someone who is older than you. They are given more respect as part of their culture and it would be unwise to be rude to them. Except in these kinds of things. haha

  24. Godbless you sir! your subs are amazing! hope that you'll continue this fine work of yours!
    We appreciate soooo much your work on the subs!
    Cheers and Kudos!

    "Banzai!" haha (Gaki No tsukai Hotel episode) :D

  25. lol this is why yamazaki gets smacked every year lately. He uses the senpai relationship to make his younger comedic PARTNERS suffer instead of him.

  26. @Elvistek -> senpai = senior = to someone who's been there for a while. In this sense, yamazaki refer to them as their older brother in comedy field. As the one who taught them a thing or two, he should be respected. Think of it as a mentor in English.

  27. can u do it a little faster?? ve been waiting for soo long thanks

  28. lol i cant wait for the next part! great job shibata and alex

  29. thx ever soooooo much!!!!!!!!!
    i reli love ur subs so much!!!!
    keep up da great work! ;DDD

  30. Hey Dickface! Faster. You suck.
