Tuesday, March 30, 2010

(Hotel pt 21) Please accept this as my job resume

The character you see in this clip is from a popular Japanese animation called the Cobra. Here's a wiki write up about it and the Psycho-gun in action;


Anyhow, I wanted to talk about the Manga(cartoon) culture in Japan. Just like Cobra, many of the (TV)animation starts off as a part of series in weekly published Manga magazine. The magazine would usually have a dozen or so series written by different cartoonist/writer. As a youngster, I would buy Shonen Jump every week. And I mean every week because if I missed one week, I'd be very lost in the plot the next week. But what's amazing is the fact that these cartoonists/writers never missed their deadlines. Every Friday (or was it Thursday?) the story continued. I can hardly keep my blog up every week. And of course, to be able to make it to these magazine was one thing, but to STAY in the magazine was much harder. If your series aren't well received right off the bat, you'd better at least think of a cool way to kill off your main character because here's your publisher axing your series in a couple of weeks.

I wonder if kids nowadays are just as into these weekly magazines like I did back then. I feel old but there was no internet to be constantly entertained back then, you know?

Some of the more famous animations you may know like DragonBall and the Fist of the North Star, started out as a weekly series in Shonen Jump back in 80's.
One side note, Shonen Jump is now published monthly in English via Viz Media to the US audience.

If you've seen the Batsu Game "Hospital" series, you might remember the radio exercise instructor Egashira 2:50. Yes, he's all about the physical comedy. It's cool because you don't need to know Japanese to appreciate what he does.

Hats off to Alex for another fine job. Thank you.

Watch No L@ughing H0tel Men English Sub 21 in Comedy  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Gaki No Tsukai - No Laughing Hotel Man


  1. Thanks shibata and shibata wife and alex!!!!

  2. Nice! Thanks for the upload

  3. Hey Shibata, I came across this video of Yoshinori Monta in concert singing the song he sings in the Hotel Batsu. Lo and behold, who do you see 10 seconds into the video? None other than... Matsumoto! Here's the link:


  4. "Help!! please reload I can't read the sub. Video quality is so bad..."

    There I said it.. The answer to that is:
    Wait until youtube finish rendering the video.
    The quality will become good and the sub will be legible.

  5. The quality is very blur.... but nonetheless... thank you for the subs :D

  6. Shouldn't "Boing-ers" be translated as "Boin-gers"? I think it's a play on words for "Go-rangers" (the type of superheroes they are parodying)and "boin" or boobs. Hence "ボインジャー" or Boob Rangers.

  7. Arifax-My wife and I had a little argument about weather to make it "Boin-ger" or "Boing-er." I ultimately thought the term "Boing" sounded funner.
    Thanks for your input.


  9. Reminds me of Zatch Bell, and how Lady Susan could have been in there, too!

  10. Lol it's like on Gintama where he has to go buy Shonen Jump every week and will fight with someone over the last copy.

    I've watched this part without subs... I would imagine it's better with them, but it's still funny even without... what an interesting concept for rangers lol... I still like the 5 ranger series that part of the gang participated in way back.

  11. Thanks again Alex, NotShibataBread, and NotShibataBread's wife. Thank you, thank you, thank you for subbing one of the most hilarious series ever. God this was pretty good seeing all the random people come out of nowhere.

  12. First thing, the subbing is fantastic Shibata...thanks. But do you know what's going on with video quality? The last 2 hotel men episodes had crap quality and couldn't read most of the subs. Keep up the good work!!

  13. stop!...HAMMER TIME!!

  14. Also, I think Matsumoto had a running gag based on Cobra in Gottsu, as seen in the song "Eccentric Shonen Boy."

  15. Thanks Shibatabread and Alex for the subs! I would guess Shounen jump is still big in Japan nowadays and many anime/manga have found their way to North America as well -- I see manga volumes in libraries and bookstores now.

  16. Love the way Tanaka is being insulted as he's reaching for it. Only doing what she told him to.

    Never been too keen on Egashira though. Once you've seen his routine it gets pretty old pretty quickly. Love the trousers though. :P

  17. Hey Shibata.
    Thanks so much for taking the time out to upload this series.
    One thing which has hasn't been mentioned yet is that the women in the blue and pink outfits are actually the Kano Sisters, hence why Yamasaki laughed initially.

  18. thanks shibata and alex!

  19. Man this was some Gold stuff
    keep it up Shibata ;D
    take some thanks ( i keep it in mah boing, take it with your mouth "D )

  20. Thank you Anonymous for the "magical girls" identity. The man in the blue & white bag is the same as previous year in the bus to the news agency... is he somehow famous there?

    When I first saw it without subs, I thought the man in glasses was going to say something more nonsense.

    Thanks and congrats for your good work.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. shibata and alex you guys are the best \m/

  23. Seriously thanks so much for this. There have already been 21 ten minute segments. How many more will there be this year?

    The more the better, this is probably the funniest one so far since they give them so much time to just be amongst themselves.

  24. LOL the moment i saw the Boing-ers i immediately remembered Downtown's Boing-5 from the Go-rangers skit (#10 & 11).

    Here's the links to those interested:

  25. who is the boing-ers?

  26. Thank you Anonymous for the "magical girls" identity. The man in the blue & white bag is the same as previous year in the bus to the news agency... is he somehow famous there?

    When I first saw it without subs, I thought the man in glasses was going to say something more nonsense.

    Thanks and congrats for your good work.

  27. Also, I think Matsumoto had a running gag based on Cobra in Gottsu, as seen in the song "Eccentric Shonen Boy."

  28. Thanks again Alex, NotShibataBread, and NotShibataBread's wife. Thank you, thank you, thank you for subbing one of the most hilarious series ever. God this was pretty good seeing all the random people come out of nowhere.


  30. Shouldn't "Boing-ers" be translated as "Boin-gers"? I think it's a play on words for "Go-rangers" (the type of superheroes they are parodying)and "boin" or boobs. Hence "ボインジャー" or Boob Rangers.
