Friday, February 26, 2010

(Hotel 13) OK, so there are things that I don't know

Yamasaki is asked to impersonate SAKANA KUN (Fish Boy) in this clip. I had no idea who or what that was, so I looked it up. Evidently, SAKANA KUN is a man who possesses more knowledge about fish than anyone else(so he claims.) As you can see in this clip (where he appeared on one of BBC programmings,) he's pretty out there and very eccentric to say the least.

Another person Yamasaki impersonate is none other than Demon Kogure. His hard-rock band, Seikima-II has been around since the 80's. His ongoing shtick(I'm not sure if he's still like this but) back then was he was truly a "demon" and looked at the rest of us as being "inferior beings." Anyhow, here his bands' hit song from the 80's. 蝋人形の館 (House of Wax Figurines) Yeah! METAL \m/

Special thanks goes to Alex.

Watch No L@ughing H0tel Men English Sub 13 in Comedy  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.comGaki No Tsukai - No Laughing Hotel Man


  1. seems like im too fast

    cant look the vid...

  2. Hahaha! I loved Sakana Kun. Hilarious.

    Thanks guys!

  3. So Japan has a KISS too, eh? Huh, I would have thought only one over-the-top, gothic, hair band with hits from over twenty years ago could exist at the same time...

  4. appreciate the work, though i do wish this portion was 45 seconds longer to accommodate the next scene.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for that last part Shibata and Alex
    Great work as always

  7. wait....I must be insane but is Demon Kogure wearing the kamen rider Black henshin belt?

  8. I would imagine that is where the idea for Detroit Metal City came from.

    Thanks again!!

  9. SAKANA KUN also appeared on the Cocorico show awhile back. What I remember is that they had this cheep living thing where you are suppose to use the less money possible living for a certain day but SAKANA KUN would go out and catch fish. The other episode is where he would go out on a boat with someone and try to eat only the fish they catch

  10. Keep up the good work.

  11. thanks for your works



  13. I laughed a lot with Yamasaki performance :D THX shibata and Alex

  14. Haha i remember one of the weekly shows of GNT where the whole cast played as the band and Hamada was chosen to be playing Demon Kogure, funny as hell. :D

    Thanks Shibatabread for these awesome uploads!!

  15. Love it! Keep up the good work!
    Look forward to the rest of the videos!

  16. It was nice to see Sakana-kun show up on a BBC show but why are the brits so idiotic? Was there no translator to show that the guy was right? And why the heck can't a single brit ever pronounce anything right in Japanese?

  17. if i'm not mistaken..b4 yamazaki impersonate sakanakun..he did someone else ...who is that person..

  18. poor shibatabread.......
    All the videos have been removed again ><
    DAMN YOU YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. his account got suspended...AGAIN

  20. hey shitababread..
    would you know what's the name of the song that's played at the end of the clip when the pink van pulls up? Thanks for uploading and keep up the good work!

  21. Sakana-kun is like Rain Man of fish, he is REALLY a real deal. He probably has tasted every single edible living things in the Sea of Japan. I saw his performances on TV Champion since he was still in high school and he kept on winning. He is inspired to be a marine life illustrator but his awesome talent hasn't been wasted thanks to Japanese media.

  22. why do they laugh so much when "new onii" says that his name is Koichi?

  23. It's just my point of view but I think,
    be4 his saying,
    Kurosawa(woman) said that the dead man(Yamasaki)'s name was "Masataka" and her name was "Masako" right?
    Those were just fake name,not real,her ad-lib.
    Then ShinOnii said his real name seriously.
    So that sounds pretty funny~~
    (from Osaka)

  24. It's just my point of view but I think,
    be4 his saying,
    Kurosawa(woman) said that the dead man(Yamasaki)'s name was "Masataka" and her name was "Masako" right?
    Those were just fake name,not real,her ad-lib.
    Then ShinOnii said his real name seriously.
    So that sounds pretty funny~~
    (from Osaka)

  25. hey shitababread..
    would you know what's the name of the song that's played at the end of the clip when the pink van pulls up? Thanks for uploading and keep up the good work!

  26. SAKANA KUN also appeared on the Cocorico show awhile back. What I remember is that they had this cheep living thing where you are suppose to use the less money possible living for a certain day but SAKANA KUN would go out and catch fish. The other episode is where he would go out on a boat with someone and try to eat only the fish they catch

  27. It was nice to see Sakana-kun show up on a BBC show but why are the brits so idiotic? Was there no translator to show that the guy was right? And why the heck can't a single brit ever pronounce anything right in Japanese?
